Determination Of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo Suspect In Brigadier J's Murder Case Still Leaving PR In The National Police Team

JAKARTA - The special team (Timsus) formed by the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo finally named Inspector General Ferdy Sambo as a suspect in the premeditated murder case against Brigadier J.

A number of facts were discovered during the investigation process. Starting from the shootout that was just a scenario to attempts to eliminate evidence.

However, from the results of the temporary investigation, there are several things that are still a mystery as well as homework (PR) that must be carried out by Timsus. The reason is that the series of murder cases have not been fully revealed.


One of the things that have not been revealed in the murder case which is said to have taken place at Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's halfway house is the motive.

The National Police Chief stated that the team he formed was still investigating. The collection of evidence, instructions and examination of witnesses will continue.

"The motive is that witnesses are currently being investigated," General Listyo Sigit told reporters, Tuesday, August 9.

Of the several witnesses, the focus of investigators will be on the wife of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, Putri Chandrawathi. Because, at the beginning of this case, there was an issue of an attempted sexual harassment act by Brigadier J.

"So we can't conclude at this time. But what is certain is that this is the main trigger for the killings. What is the conclusion that the team is currently working," said Sigit.

Sambo Joins Shooting

Then, it is not only the motive that has not been solved in this case. There is another thing that is currently still a mystery, namely Inspector General Ferdy Sambo joining or not shooting Brigadier J.

The results of the current investigation process, the two-star general is said to have ordered Bharada E and Birpka RR to shoot Brigadier J.

The shooting of Brigadier J was carried out on the orders of Brother FS by using weapons belonging to Bripka RR," he said.

However, regarding Sambo's direct involvement in shooting, the National Police Chief stated that it was still being investigated.

The inactive Head of the Propam Division, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, arrived at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police to undergo an examination on Thursday, August 4. (Rizky A-VOI)

The series of witness examinations continues. However, it still prioritizes scientific-based investigations so that all can be accounted for.

"Regarding whether FS took part in the shooting, further investigation is being carried out. Because there are several investigations regarding witnesses," said Sigit.

In this case, there are four people who have become suspects. Besides Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, there was Bharada E, Bripka RR, and KM alias Kuwat Maruf.

All of them, except for Bharada E, were charged with Article 340 subsidiary 388 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Articles 55 and 56 of the Criminal Code.

Then, there were 31 Polri personnel who were declared to have violated the code of ethics in handling the case of Brigadier J's murder. In fact, 11 of them were placed in a special room.