A Week Of Intelligence From Baintelkam Moves Until CCTV Destruction Is Revealed

JAKARTA - The investigation into the murder case of Brigadier Yosua Hutabarat or Brigadier J had encountered problems due to the destruction/loss of evidence in the form of CCTV. The National Police stated that the investigation of the disappearance of evidence was based on intelligence results for a week.
"For one week, we moved to investigate and then we received intelligence information from the National Security and Security Agency that we found several personnel who were known to have taken CCTV and others," said Irwasum Polri Komjen Agung Budi Maryoto to reporters, Tuesday, August 9.
With this information, the General Supervision Inspectorate (Itwasum), the Propam Division, and the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police decided to issue a warrant regarding a special examination. The examination was carried out on the member who first handled the case.
Of the dozens examined, said Agung, there were 31 members who were indicated to have violated the code of ethics. They will be processed in a professional manner.
"Of the 56 Polri personnel, there are 31 Polri personnel who are suspected of violating the Polri's professional code of ethics or KKEP," he said.
Meanwhile, 11 have entered a special room or special place to account for their actions. In fact, three of them, namely the general, were detained at the Mobile Brigade Headquarters, Kelapa Dua, Depok.
"Then for those who committed violations, 11 special placements were carried out in which three high-ranking officers were placed at the Police Mobile Brigade Headquarters," said Agung.
In the case of the shooting of Brigadier J, there were a total of 4 suspects, namely Bharada E, Brigadier RR, K and Inspector General Ferdy Sambo. Ferdy Sambo allegedly gave orders related to the shooting of Brigadier J.
Inspector General Ferdy Sambo allegedly used a firearm belonging to Brigadier Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J to shoot at the wall several times. The shooting at the wall with Brigadier J's pistol was carried out to make it appear as if a shootout took place, aka a shootout, as reported earlier at the South Jakarta Metro Police.
"That there was no fact of shooting incident as reported, I repeat that there was no fact of shooting incident as reported earlier," said National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo at a press conference handling the case of Brigadier J's murder at the National Police Headquarters, Tuesday, August 9.
The National Police's Bareskrim Team, according to the National Police Chief, found that what actually happened was the shooting of Brigadier J to death.
"What RE (Bharada E) did on the orders of brother FS (Ferdy Sambo," said the National Police Chief.
Inspector General Ferdy Sambo is suspected of fabricating the shooting case of Brigadier J by deliberately using Brigadier J's firearm to shoot at the wall.
“To make it look as if a gunfight had taken place, brother FS shot Brother J's gun against the wall several times to make it appear as if a gunfight had taken place.
"Regarding whether FS ordered or was directly involved in the shooting, the team is currently investigating witnesses and related parties," said the National Police Chief.