Students In Palopo South Sulawesi Allegedly Guided To Join Heretical Sects, Now Handled By The Ministry Of Religion

MAKASSAR - Head of the Office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs in Palopo City, South Sulawesi (Sulsel), Rusydi Hasyim, confirmed that his party intervened in handling the circulation of videos of female students suspected of being guided to follow deviant sects.

"So we Palopo Ministry of Religion has summoned, wrote letters to friends from MUI, Kesbangpol, from the Police, IAIN campus, SMP 8, Palopo Education Office, all of which we call for a meeting, to discuss clarification of this information," said Rusydi. Hasyim, contacted by VOI, Monday, November 16.

The Palopo Ministry of Religion has also met with female students who are suspected of being guided to follow deviant sects. This student provides information related to the chronology of events.

"Our student asked for information, and she was accompanied by a supervisor because this is a PPL (Field Experience Practice) student who was assigned by her institution to conduct PPL at SMP 8," continued Rusydi.

From the results of the meeting, his party then wrote to the prosecutor regarding the Monitoring of Community Beliefs (Pakem) to follow up on this incident.

"This afternoon I seem to have signed the letter, so that this is followed up because he (the Attorney) is in charge," said Rusydi.

According to Rusydi, this student was initially doing Field Experience Practices (PPL) at a junior high school in Palopo. There, this student met a teacher.

"These PPL children were invited to get together with the teacher who was appointed by SMP 8 to guide. This child who was PPL, was invited to the teacher's house, to stay in touch, but until there he was prospected," Rusydi continued.