Addiction To Tajen Gambling, Bali Residents Steal IDR 30 Million Jewelry And Money

GIANYAR - A resident named Ida Made Wiyanta (41) was arrested by the Gianyar Police, Bali, for stealing jewelry and money. The theft was carried out because the perpetrator was addicted to tajen gambling, aka cockfighting.

"He is indeed a recidivist, he has been admitted three times, now for the fourth time," said Gianyar Police Chief Commissioner I Gede Putu Putra Astawa, Tuesday, August 9.

Perpetrators in action prying windows and doors. After that, the victim's belongings were stolen.

The perpetrator of this theft was arrested on Monday, August 8 in East Denpasar. He reportedly stole jewelry at Luh Ketut Manik Swasti's house

The perpetrator stole IDR 30 million and jewelry belonging to the victim.

"For this incident, the victim reported to the Gianyar Police and the victim suffered a loss of approximately Rp. 32,500,000," said Astawa.

During the investigation, the police arrested the perpetrator. While in the examination, the perpetrator admitted to stealing in a number of places.

"There are five crime scenes but there are three reports, because those two crime scenes, after showing and checking with the person, it was true, he (the perpetrator) went there and ransacked the house but he didn't take anything. report," said Astawa.

The proceeds of the theft are used for tajen gambling. Meanwhile, jewelry is sold in Sukawati.

“The crime money has been used up for tajen gambling and extravagance. At this time, the perpetrators and the evidence have been secured by the Gianyar Police," he said.