Viral On TikTok Men Claims Serda Ucok Wants To Find The Killer Of Brigadier J, TNI AD: Hoax, Efforts To Fight Against The Police

JAKARTA - Head of the Army Information Service (Kadispenad) Brigadier General Tatang Subarna emphasized that the video statement from someone claiming to be Serda Ucok was a hoax and tried to pit the TNI and Polri against each other.

"The video statement by Serda Ucok, who claims he is ready to help the country in finding the killer of Brigadier J, on the @mursyid.adam tiktok account is a video containing lies and attempts at fighting between the TNI and Polri," said Tatang in a statement received in Jakarta, Antara, Tuesday. , August 9th.

Currently, he continued, the Indonesian Army has been working closely with the Police and other related institutions to trace and hold accountable for the circulation of the video on the TikTok account.

Tatang hopes that the public will not be provoked by the fake video circulating on social media about the statement "Serda Ucok".

Serda Ucok is a member of Kopassus who was tried for killing four prisoners from the Cebongan Penitentiary, Sleman, in 2013.

In the circulating video, a voice narration is heard from a man who claims to be Serda Ucok and states that he is ready to help the country in finding the killer of Brigadier J.