Reminds That Cooking Can Fulfill Nutritional Needs To Prevent Stunting, Megawati: There's No Reason Why Women Can't Cook

JAKARTA - The 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia Megawati Soekarnoputri stated that cooking can strengthen the relationship and affection of every family member. This activity can also meet the balanced nutritional intake of children during the baby's growth and development period.

"There's no reason women can't cook. Officials must also be able to cook. I want stunting in Indonesia to be zero percent," said Megawati in a written statement, Tuesday, August 9.

Adhering to the teachings of Indonesia's first first lady Fatmawati, Megawati emphasized that every woman needs to be able to cook even though she has a career that is being pioneered.

By cooking, every child's nutritional needs can be met and stunting or stunting can be avoided.

In the kick off event of the Collaboration for the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction held by the BKKBN in East Jakarta on Monday, August 8, Megawati demonstrated two food menus that used cheap and nutrient-rich local foods such as Moringa leaves and cassava opor to the audience.

The two menus are exemplified in making complementary foods for breast milk or MP-ASI for children aged 12-24 months. Meanwhile, Megawati's various other Nusantara menus have been included in the Baduta and Pregnant Mother Food Recipe Book for the Indonesian Golden Generation written by Hevearita G. Rahayu.

Megawati emphasized that the stunting problem in Indonesia, which still reaches 24.4 percent, is a worrying problem in the midst of a country that is rich in nutrients, even abundant and diverse.

One in four toddlers is confirmed to be stunted which has a sustainable impact on the future of the child.

Thus, through the book that was compiled and has received studies from nutrition experts, Megawati invites mothers to cook local food that can be obtained easily and at affordable prices, in order to fulfill nutritional adequacy since the child is in the womb.

“Women must be able to cook, whatever their profession. Let's move! Show that women are not weak, come on ladies wake up!” he said.

Head of BKKBN Hasto Wardoyo added that one of the efforts to prevent stunting is through improving diet.

With the presence of the detailed recipe book, he hopes that the problem of stunting in the nation's children can be resolved.

“This recipe book also includes nutritional values to help educate mothers in Indonesia regarding the fulfillment of child nutrition. Plus additional information about the price needed to provide the food, so it can be a reference if you want to be a culinary entrepreneur for family economic empowerment," he said.