The Government Is Not Ready To Work On The Omnibus Law

JAKARTA - The government is drafting a regulation that covers more than one aspect which are combined into one law or known as the omnibus law. The benefit is that the omnibus law can solve the problem of overlapping laws and regulations.

There are 79 laws in sight with a total of 1,244 articles being revised at once. The law was revised because it was considered to hinder investment. The hope is that with the omnibus law, investment will be easier to enter Indonesia.

The formation of the omnibus law is in accordance with the direction of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). There are two omnibus law Drafts which are priorities submitted to the DPR, namely the omnibus law on employment creation and taxation. However, what is currently in the spotlight is the omibus law on creation of employment.

Last Monday, the Confederation of Indonesian Workers Unions (KSPI) held a demonstration in front of the DPR Building. They asked the DPR to reject the Job Creation Bill because it was considered to be detrimental to workers and labor. This is because protection for workers and labor is not reflected in these regulations.

Long before that, Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna Laoly targeted the Omnibus Law, which consists of the Employment Creation Law and the Taxation Law, to be discussed with the House of Representatives (DPR) in January 2020. However, until now the draft has not been submitted to the DPR. . In fact, President Jokowi asked for this bill to be completed in 100 days.

The Indonesian Parliament Concern Community Forum (Formappi) Lucius Karus assessed that the Omnibus Law draft has not yet been submitted to the DPR, showing the fact that the Government is not ready with the draft bill.

"Of course, the government's delay in presenting the draft bill to the DPR will have an impact on the delays in the deliberation process, which will eventually lead to the delay in its ratification," explained Lucius, when contacted by VOI, in Jakarta, Wednesday, January 22.

According to Lucius, in the course of the Omnibus Law Bill, it will be a tough challenge for the government to present the draft bill by accommodating public demands on a number of issues in the bill that are deemed deviating from the needs of society as voiced by labor groups.

Lucius also reminded people not to be careless and have to oversee the discussion on the Omnibus Law Bill. The aim is to avoid being missed, as happened during the revision of the KPK Law.

"I think it is obligatory. This bill is closely related to the real life of the community. Because the regulation cannot be fully entrusted to the government and the DPR, which we know have certain interests related to investment," he said.

According to Lucius, the fear felt by the labor unions to hold demonstrations was due to the lack of socialization by the government regarding the Omnibus Law Bill. In fact, the draft bill is still confusing.

"I think the confusion of information about the official draft bill produced by the Government is one reason why the government is seen as unprepared and not confident in the draft bill they are preparing. To ensure that the official draft is prepared, the government should be able to prepare an official website that can upload the draft. so it can be trusted, "he said.

"This is circulating in WA without clear information. Not to mention that there are also elites who have denied the draft that is circulating as an official draft. Which one is correct?"

Menkopolhukam Mahfud MD (Wardhany Tsa Tsia / VOI)

Denies the lack of socialization

The Coordinating Minister for Political and Legal Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD denied that the socialization related to the Omnibus Law Bill was minimal. Because, since the beginning, President Jokowi has stated openly about this bill.

"It's not minimal, right from the start, the president's speech was announced during the inauguration, on October 20 regarding the omnibus law, after that the meeting. Now the FGD, the FGD are not minimal either," said Mahfud, when met at the 'Law and Regular Outlook' event. 2020 ', at the Shangri-la Hotel, Sudirman, Jakarta, Wednesday, January 22.

However, according to Mahfud, if the public feels that the socialization of this bill is minimal, there is still time that can be used to socialize it again. Because, the discussion will only be discussed at the next trial period.

"But if it is still lacking, it can still be continued, the discussion will not be until tomorrow after the recess, after this month's recess will only be discussed, now put all of them there, later there will be a DIM inventory list of problems from each faction," he said.

Mahfud also emphasized that if there are objections to this bill, it can still be accommodated. "For example, yesterday it was entered from the Perkom community, sir, if the article is like this it will be dangerous for cyber security. Okay, I said I will distribute it. Now that can still be discussed, the important thing is that the omnibus law works, that there are other opinions that there is still a process. , "he explained.

In addition, Mahfud said, the public could study the current draft Ominus Law Job Creation Bill. "After all, it has been disseminated, has been conveyed to Kadin, where has it been to the community, the workers have also been."

Regarding the demonstration a few days ago, Mahfud responded casually. According to him, this is common. This is because in the process of making regulations, the pros and cons are definitely inseparable.

"Yes, it's normal, if there is a law that is done right away, there must be those who protest, some agree, some don't. Just discuss it at the DPR, that's okay. There are two processes there, one because he doesn't understand, the second one is because he did. "He has a different opinion. If he does not understand, we will explain it, if he has an opinion, he will definitely accommodate it to the DPR," he said.

Previously, the Chairman of the DPR, Puan Maharani, emphasized that until now there has been no draft on the omnibus law that has been submitted to the DPR from the government.

"Until now the DPR has not received a single draft of the Omnibus Law Bill initiated by the government. Therefore the DPR is not responsible and does not respond to the draft Omnibus (Job Creation) Bill circulating in the public where the source is unclear," he said.