Hotma Sitompul's Ex-Wife Uploads Honesty Inspiration, Desiree Tarigan: A Lawyer Or A Liar?

JAKARTA - Painting is one of the hobbies that Desiree Tarigan is increasingly pursuing after separating from Hotma Sitompul. Some of his paintings have been collected so that it adds to his rupiah coffers.

In addition, painting seems to be a source of wisdom for Desiree Tarigan. In the process of painting, Desiree gets peace of mind as in her upload on Instragam, Monday, August 8.

"There are several things that my parents always taught me, one of which is honesty, if you want to live calmly and peacefully you have to be honest, honest with yourself and of course with others. It's not really difficult as long as we always remind ourselves and make it a must," Desiree wrote on the @mamitoko account.

Lies, he continued, can make people addicted. "Once a lie will be followed by other lies that cover each other, and for sure it will complicate our lives. Eventually such people believe in their own lies, become immersed in their own lies and get deeper and deeper," he continued.

Desiree admits that she knows people who like to lie. "What makes me laugh, how come yes. People can lie without a burden and the funny thing is that other people believe in their lies. We can lie to others and even ourselves but we can't lie to the Almighty," he said.

Desiree alludes to karma from God that comes quickly if you like to lie. "Be careful if the Almighty acts. Karma doesn't wait for tomorrow. Don't let us be led to people's lies, telling other people's lies as truth, even though we don't know what actually makes us join the conspiracy of lies. It's very complicated, we have to be smart Bring yourself, stay away from things that are not our business, don't be a busy body, aka like to gossip," he advised.

Prayer invites followers to do what builds themselves more positively without disturbing or harming others, even if it can be a blessing to others.

In closing, Desiree Tarigan asked a question that seemed to insinuate her ex-husband as a lawyer. "There is a question: "......are you a Lawyer or a Liar?" he concluded.