Sampit BKSDA Intends To Evacuate Crocodiles In The Biding River For Annoying Residents

JAKARTA - The Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA) of Pos Sampit, East Kotawaringin Regency, Central Kalimantan, followed up on reports from residents regarding the appearance of crocodiles in the Biding River, North Mentaya Hilir District, by installing chicken bait fishing rods to evacuate the crocodiles.

"More than one crocodile seen by residents and local security officers. It is estimated that it is half to three meters in size," said Commander of the BKSDA Pos Sampit Guard, Muriansyah in Sampit, East Kotawaringin as quoted by Antara, Sunday.

Muriansyah said that his party received a report from the public relations officer of one of the oil palm plantation companies. It is said that residents saw the appearance of several crocodiles in the Biding River, a tributary of the Sampit River which empties into the Mentaya River.

The Biding River is still used by residents for their daily activities, namely bathing, washing and defecating. This river borders the area with the right to cultivate the oil palm plantation.

The company reported information from residents regarding the appearance of a number of crocodiles so that the BKSDA helped evacuate the wild animals because it was feared that it would endanger the community.

This concern is quite reasonable because there was a crocodile attack on company employees on March 31, 2022. An employee who is familiarly called Amang Banjar was attacked by a crocodile while defecating in the ditch.

The crocodile attack left Amang Banjar with minor injuries to his left leg. The crocodile that attacked it was strongly suspected to be an estuarine crocodile, with a length of about one meter.

Muriansyah came to the location accompanied by a member of Manggala Agni. They made observations by observing the condition of the waters around the location where the crocodiles appeared.

BKSDA is trying to evacuate the crocodiles so they don't attack humans. Attempts to catch is done by installing fishing rods with chicken bait.

"In the presence of company security and residents, we set up a set of snares or crocodile fishing rods to bait a chicken," continued Muriansyah.

Muriansyah provided input to company security officers and residents regarding the threat of crocodile attacks. Activities in the river are recommended to be avoided, especially when it is dark because it is very vulnerable to crocodile attacks.