Positive COVID-19 Cases Are Still High, Doni Monardo: Religious Leaders Should Invite People To Discipline

JAKARTA - The head of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force and the Head of the BNPB, Lt. Gen. Doni Monardo, said that over the past two weeks the number of positive cases of COVID-19 in the country has increased, which has an impact on the filling of isolation rooms.

"Initially 32 percent, now it has increased to 53 percent," Doni said at a press conference in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Sunday, November 15.

Not only the isolation room, an increase in occupancy also occurred in the ICU room of the Jakarta referral hospital, totaling 98 hospitals. Currently it is in the position of 68 percent. In fact, in the September period it was at 83 percent.

He said this condition must be resolved as soon as possible. This is because the hospital's isolation room and ICU cannot be full. Therefore, health protocols remain an important key in handling COVID-19.

Discipline and collective awareness, he said, are important to be applied by the community, including not holding various kinds of events in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic situation.

"Once again, please avoid all activities related to crowding," he said.

Not only that, the TNI soldier with red beret also invited all components of society to remind each other of his family members not to attend activities that caused crowds.

Doni admitted that this was not an easy matter because based on the data, maintaining distance and avoiding crowds was not optimal for the community.

Even so, the health protocol using masks and washing hands using soap has been quite well implemented by the community.

On that occasion, Doni also reminded the strategic role of community leaders in inviting the public to comply with the collective discipline of health protocols.

"Religious leaders should be role models to remind our people," he said.