Chairman Of The House Of Representatives Of The Republic Of Indonesia Appreciates National Economic Growth

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Budget Agency of the House of Representatives (DPR) Said Abdullah said that the economic growth in the second quarter of 2022 is a very good investment for Indonesia to face external pressures that seem to be facing high commodity prices. 2022 at the level of 5.44 percent (year-on-year / yoy), so that for one semester this year our cumulative economic growth will reach 5.23 percent," Said said in an official statement in Jakarta, Friday. The business sector that contributes to economic growth is moving again due to the success of controlling COVID-19, so that people's mobility is restored to what it was before the pandemic. External pressures that have occurred since the war in Ukraine and Russia broke out at the end of February 2022 are still well managed and mitigated by the government. Although there was a slight increase in inflation at the level of 4.4 percent, Said assessed that the level was still under control because Indonesia's position was not as bad as European countries. , the United States (US), several Middle Eastern countries, and East Asia. "Inflation and the pandemic are equally under control, making the level of demand that relies on domestic consumption, namely households grow very well at the level of 5.5 percent (yoy), "He said, as quoted by Antara. In the future, Said hopes that there are several things that need to continue to be the focus of attention, namely trying to control inflation as much as possible even though the price is not cheap, because the 2022 State Budget funds are very large to maintain household purchasing power, especially in the food and transportation sectors.

However, from the start, the State Budget was designed as a shock absorber in the face of external pressures and the latent threat of a pandemic. In addition, he reminded that the trend of increasing the benchmark interest rate of the US Central Bank, The Fed, continues to have implications for the increase in interest rates for Indonesian bonds so that the cost of funds will increase. will be more expensive. If this continues, the situation will continue to correct fiscally because the burden of paying debt interest will continue to rise, in parallel with high subsidies and energy compensation. continues. On the other hand, the government also needs to continue to take important steps to procure petroleum imports amid the vulnerability to rising price trends. On the other hand, Said believes that the government needs to continue to ensure the implementation of subsidies for fuel oil (BBM), electricity, and LPG. Steps to improve energy subsidy policies need to continue to be improved without delaying time amid pressures for timely and targeted subsidies. The next thing to pay attention to is regional heads and all regional inflation control teams who must continue to be vigilant by intensifying market operations in their respective regions. -each to anticipate fraudulent practices in the form of hoarding various commodity goods that are the livelihoods of many people. Meanwhile, there is also the challenge of the possibility that the community will be increasingly ignorant of the COVID-19 attack because they feel they have received a booster vaccine. In fact, symptoms of an increase in the number of COVID-19 are visible in several areas, especially DKI Jakarta, so that high vigilance needs to be carried out so as not to further pressure the state treasury. He also believes in the discipline of all parties, especially the government in maintaining financial discipline as planned in the 2022 APBN which is further elaborated through Presidential Regulation Number 98 of 2022, Indonesia can continue its economic growth achievements until the end of the year reaching a level of around five percent.