A Total Of 57.1 Million Indonesians Have Been Injected With Booster Vaccines

JAKARTA - The number of Indonesian citizens who have undergone the third or booster dose of COVID-19 vaccination reached 57.1 million as of Friday, August 5.

The COVID-19 Task Force noted that 294,068 people have received booster vaccinations per day. Thus, a total of 57,123,161 people or 27.4 percent of the total 208,265,720 residents were targeted for COVID-19 vaccination.

Meanwhile, based on Antara's report, the number of residents who had received the full dose of vaccination, the first and second doses, increased by 49,029.

If calculated, the total is 170,250,678 people or 81.7 percent of the vaccination target.

The first recorded dose of COVID-19 vaccination has been carried out on 202,687,498 people or 97.3 percent of the target. The number of residents who received the first dose of vaccination on Friday increased by 64,113 people.

The government still provides COVID-19 vaccination services at health care facilities and vaccination service outlets and encourages residents to undergo vaccinations to be more protected from infection with the SARS-CoV-2 type of corona virus.

The government also carries out a fourth dose of COVID-19 vaccination or a second booster vaccination for health workers.

Government Spokesperson for Handling COVID-19 Wiku Adisasmito emphasized the importance of booster vaccinations to prevent infection, prevent severity when infected, and minimize the risk of transmission of the corona virus that causes COVID-19.