TNI Members Against Begal While Cycling In Bintaro

JAKARTA - A TNI member is again a victim of robbery while on a bicycle in the Bintaro area, South Tangerang, Saturday, November 14.

"The victim is Colonel RG. Served at the TNI Headquarters," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Pol Yusri Yunus, told reporters as reported by Antara, Sunday.

Yusri explained that the incident took place on Saturday morning at around 07.45 WIB on Jalan Boulevard Bintaro Jaya, Pondok Aren, Tangsel City, to be precise in front of RSPI Bintaro.

When crossing the route the victim was caught by two perpetrators on a motorbike and immediately grabbed the victim's belongings.

"Two of the perpetrators rode a motorcycle from behind, then the perpetrator forcibly took the victim's belongings which were in the victim's back pocket," he said.

The perpetrator's brutal action made the victim fall unconscious and made the perpetrator freely carry the victim's belongings. The victim was finally helped by local residents and rushed to the hospital.

"The victim fell unconscious and the perpetrators immediately fled. The victim was then helped by other cyclists and security to RSPI for further treatment," he added.

Due to the incident, the police immediately carried out the crime scene and examined a number of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras at the scene of the incident to identify the perpetrators.

"Our follow-up plan is to check CCTV, carry out investigations and direct the victim to make a report," said Yusri.

This incident against TNI officers was not the first incident, before Colonel Marines Pangestu Widiatmoko while cycling on Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Central Jakarta.

Two of the perpetrators of the attack against Colonel Pangestu were successfully arrested by the Polda Metro Jaya and one person surrendered for fear of being shot.