Changes In The Flow Of Brigadier J's Murder Case At Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's Shelter House

JAKARTA - The special team (timsus) formed by the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo continues to investigate the bloody incident that killed Nopryansah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J.

A series of new facts began to be discovered. The big question mark that had enveloped this case began to fade.

In fact, the findings of the Timsus seemed to change the sequence or process of events behind the death of Brigadier J at Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's halfway house.


At least, some things have changed in the course of this bloody incident. One of them was about a shootout.

Kombes Budhi Herdi Susianto, who at that time served as the South Jakarta Metro Police Chief, had stated that Brigadier J was killed because he was involved in a shootout with Bharada E.

This cowboy shootout took place at Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's halfway house at the Police Complex, Duren Tiga, South Jakarta.

At that time, it was conveyed, based on the results of the crime scene (TKP), Brigadier J was holding an HS-16 type weapon and left 9 bullets in the magazine. This means that he spit out seven bullets.

While Bharada E uses a Glock 17 weapon with a maximum magazine of 17 bullets.

"And we found at the crime scene there were 12 bullets left in the magazine. This means that 5 bullets were spewed out. Or shot," said Budhi.

However, in the firefight, only Brigadier J was injured or shot. Meanwhile, Bharada E is 'clean' or not injured at all.

Then, the shootout was called because Brigadier J panicked after his attempted harassment of the wife of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo failed.

He shot Bharada E who was approaching Princess Candrawati for shouting. That is, Brigadier J started it and Bharada E was just defending himself.

This series of events seemed to be refuted when Bharada E was named a suspect. Because the Timsus actually said that Brigadier J died because he was killed.

In this case, the team suspected Bharada E with Article 338 of the Criminal Code regarding murder in conjunction with Article 55 and Article 56 of the Criminal Code.

This means that the case of Brigadier J's murder which occurred almost a month ago is not believed to have been carried out by Bharada E alone. It is suspected that there are other parties involved in this case that has drawn public attention.

"The investigation has not been completed, it is still under development," said Director of General Crimes at the National Police Criminal Investigation Department Brigadier General Andi Rian.

This includes self-defense. With the results of the preliminary investigation, the Timsus denied all allegations.

"Not self-defense," said Brigadier General Andi.

Key Witness

Not only that, the team's findings also denied that CCTV was a key witness to uncover the murder of Brigadi J.

At the beginning of the investigation, Kombes Budhi Herdi stated that all CCTV at the scene was damaged. In fact, since two weeks before the bloody incident occurred.

So, it is difficult for them to solve the case.

However, the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit, seemed to deny this statement. He stated that there was a deliberate attempt to damage or eliminate the 'key witness'.

This four-star general firmly said that he already knew the cause behind all of it. In fact, the identity of the perpetrators of the disappearances and vandals of CCTV has been pocketed.

"There was a broken CCTV that was taken at the time at the security guard and we have also investigated it and we have found out how the process was taken," said General Sigit.

According to him, the team he formed had already pocketed the identity of the perpetrator. In fact, they have been asked for information about the action.

But the National Police Chief did not clearly state who the perpetrators were. He only said that the person would be processed according to the applicable regulations.

"We have also checked who took (CCTV) and at this time of course we will carry out the next process," he said.

Organized Allegations

The findings of these facts gave rise to the suspicion that Brigadier J's murder was carried out in an organized manner.

Moreover, the National Police Chief also mentioned that there are 25 members who have been examined by the Special Inspectorate (irsus) following the death of Brigadier J. In fact, three of them have the rank of Brigadier General (Brigjen) or one star.

Then, there are also five Kombes, three AKBP, two Kompol, seven Panma, and five NCOs and enlisted. Dozens of police personnel who were examined were called from various units.

"From the Propam Division, Polres and Polda Bareskrim," said Sigit.

In addition, the National Police Chief also stated that he had 'dragged' four of his members to be placed in a special place.

"Tonight there are 4 people who we place in a special place for 30 days," said Sigit.

Unfortunately, Sigit did not explain in detail the identities of the four members. He only stated that strict action would be taken against anyone involved.

The assertiveness of the National Police Chief was also shown by the transfer of the 25 members.

From the data obtained, there were only 10 people suspected of being involved in the series of cases of Brigadier J who were transferred.

They are the 'men' of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo who served in the Propam Division and the 'carriage' of the South Jakarta Metro Police.

The mutation was stated in the Secret Telegram Letter (STR) number 1628/VIII/Kep/2022, dated August 4, 2022.

The subordinates of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo were Brigadier General Hendra Kurniawan, Brigadier General Benny Ali, Kombes Denny Setia Nugraha and Kombes Agus Nur Patria.

Then Commissioner Chuck Putranto, Commissioner Baiquni Wibowo, and AKBP Arif Rachman Arifin. Including, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

Meanwhile, the South Jakarta Metro Police carriages that have been transferred are Head of Criminal Investigation Unit AKBP Ridwan Rheky Nellson Soplanit and Head of Criminal Investigation Unit I AKP Rifaizal Samual.

They were all transferred to the Yanma (Headquarters Service) section of the Police.

The Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, stated that in the order of the Chief of Police, they were all transferred for the purpose of being investigated by the Timsus and Irsus. The goal is to find out his alleged involvement.

"Those who have been transferred as Pamen Yanma Polri are under investigation by the Irsus Timsus," said Dedi.

Later, they will undergo a professional code of ethics trial. If it is proven to have violated the law, sanctions will be given according to the rules.

"If there is evidence of a violation of ethics, it will be examined, if it is proven that a criminal violation, as the Chief of Police said, will be processed according to the procedure," said Dedi.