The Ministry Of Energy And Mineral Resources Ensures PLN's Coal Stock Is Still Safe

JAKARTA - Special Staff of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources for the Acceleration of Mineral and Coal Governance, Irwandy Arif ensured that PLN's coal stock is currently in a safe condition.

Previously, it was reported that coal entrepreneurs were reluctant to supply PLN before the government formed the Public Service Agency (BLU).

"The condition of the stockpile at PLN is still safe, but only 1 or 2 companies are below their stockpile production target," he said in Jakarta, Thursday, August 4.

For that, he said, his party will ensure that there will be no shortage of coal stocks by encouraging the companies in question to immediately fulfill the Domestic Market Obligation (DMO).

"The solution is to give assignments to (companies) that have not fulfilled the DMO," he continued.

Arif added that currently many large companies have fulfilled their coal DMO obligations and even exceeded the stipulated obligations.

He gave an example, PT Bukit Asam (PTBA) which has even exceeded 50 percent.

"All big companies have more than 25 percent, for example PTBA which is almost 50 percent," he continued.

Arif added, for now there are still many companies that do not understand the contents of the stipulated policy, including the price dispute, so that his party will immediately correct the misunderstanding.

Previously, in early January, PT PLN experienced a coal crisis, 10 million PLN customers were threatened with power outages because 20 of PLN's 20 steam power plants (PLTU) did not have a supply of coal.

As a result, the government imposed a temporary export ban through a letter from the Directorate General of Mineral and Coal (DG Minerba) number B-1605/MB.05/DJB.B/2021 dated December 31, 2021. The ban was carried out on January 1 - January 31, 2022. .