Research Reveals The Contribution Of Greenhouse Gas Emissions From China And India

JAKARTA - Efforts to reduce levels of greenhouse gas emissions have yet to produce results. Sadly, according to the latest study, emissions have increased dramatically. India and China are the two countries most blamed for increasing levels of HFC-23 in the atmosphere.

According to The Guardian, based on a 2017 data report from one of the two largest emitting countries in the world, India and China, they claim that they have succeeded in eliminating almost all levels of emission gases or hydrofluorocarbon HFC-23 in the atmosphere.

However, study data published in Nature Communications in 2018 suggests otherwise. The concentration of emission gases - used in refrigerators, inhalers and air conditioners - from the two countries has increased dramatically.

In fact, according to Matt Rigby, a researcher from Bristol University who was involved in this study, academics have high hopes for seeing a large reduction in gas emissions from India and China.

“This powerful greenhouse gas has grown rapidly in the atmosphere in the last few decades. And these reports show that the increase should be able to stop within two or three years. This will be a big win for the climate, "said Rigby.

Scientists say the fact that there is even more evidence of increasing gas emissions is a conundrum and could impact the Montreal protocol, an international treaty designed to protect the stratospheric ozone layer.

The reason is, according to the lead researcher of the study, Kieran Stanley, even though India and China are not yet bound by the agreement. However, if there are reports of reducing their emission gas, it will increase the consistency of the two countries in maintaining greenhouse gas emissions.

Meanwhile, Stanley confirmed that through his study, "China has not succeeded in reducing HFC-23 emissions as reported (previously)." In addition, he was not sure whether India was able to implement the gas emission reduction program properly.

Please note, one tonne of HFC-23 emissions is equivalent to the release of more than 12,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide. Apart from China and India, the United States is also the largest contributor of carbon dioxide gas in the world.