Navigating Dangerous Terrain And Crocodile Threats, Ternate Joint SAR Team Successfully Evacuates Farjan Idham's Body

TERNATE - The Ternate Basarnas Search and Rescue Office, North Maluku (Malut), together with the Joint SAR Team were finally able to evacuate the body of a teenager named Farjan Idham (15) who was attacked by a crocodile in Lake Tolire, Ternate City.

"The victim was first found by the local community who were involved in the search operation. The condition of the victim was floating on the shore of the lake and the community then asked for the help of the Joint SAR Team to evacuate to the top of the cliff," said Head of the Ternate Basarnas, Fathur Rahman in Ternate, Antara, Thursday, August 4th.

According to him, the victim was successfully evacuated from the lake to the mainland at around 13.11 WIT by the Joint SAR Team, then the victim was evacuated using ropes and a stretcher to the top of the cliff.

He said, after the victim was successfully evacuated, he was then taken to the funeral home to be handed over to the family.

He said that the process of evacuating victims had experienced several obstacles, where the condition of the cliff terrain was very steep and the presence of wild animals, namely crocodiles, made it very risky for the safety of the Joint SAR Team.

"Nevertheless, Alhamdulillah, on the third day of the SAR operation, the team managed to find the victim and with the victim being found, the operation was declared complete and closed," he explained.

Elements involved in the search operation. Basarnas Ternate, Dit Polairud Polda Malut, Sat Brimob Polda Malut, Sat Sabhara Polda Malut, Polres Ternate, Kodim 1501/Ternate, BPBD City Ternate, Polsek Ternate Island, Koramil 1501-01 Ternate Island, Tagana City Ternate, Vertical Rescue Indonesia, Camat Ternate Island, Takome Village Head, Local community.

Meanwhile, until now the Lake Tolire tourist attraction in Ternate City has been temporarily closed, following a local teenager named Farjan who was attacked by a crocodile and his body was found during a three-day search.