Jokowi's Target Of 100,000 NIB Per Day Is Still Constrained, KSP Carries Out An Evaluation

JAKARTA - Main Expert Staff of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Albertien E. Pirade said the achievement of the target of issuing 100,000 Business Identification Numbers (NIB) per day for MSMEs is still facing obstacles.
According to him, this is due to several things, such as incomplete data on business actors and data that is still scattered in various agencies, both government and banking.
“From the side of business actors, they also feel reluctant to take care of NIB because they do not know the benefits that will be received and tend to worry about tax matters. This is also an obstacle that we must find a solution for," he said in a press statement quoted on Thursday, August 4.
Albertien added that NIB is a single form of licensing that will be a condition for facilitating other government assistance such as the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) and Halal Product Guarantee Certification (SJPH).
"MSME actors must know that there are many benefits from this NIB and in the future it will be the main requirement when applying for advanced permits according to business fields," he said.
Albertien also emphasized the importance of coordination and collaboration between ministries/agencies and local governments to encourage the acceleration of the issuance of NIBs, especially on the readiness of regulations, data, and budgets.
"BKPM, which is the leading sector in the issuance of NIB, will coordinate with the Kemenkop UKM, especially regarding data on business actors so that the NIB assistance program in 20 cities can run optimally. This of course requires the intervention of the Ministry of Home Affairs as a bridge between the central government and regional governments in the hope that there will be binding regulations so that regions are also actively involved in accelerating the issuance of NIBs,” explained Albertien.
For information, the acceleration of the issuance of Business Identification Numbers (NIB) for MSMEs to 100,000 per day is a follow-up to President Joko Widodo's direction. Previously, the issuance of NIB was in the range of 7,000 to 8,000 per day.
At the coordination meeting, the achievements of the issuance of NIB for the period August 4, 2021 – August 2 2022, were 1,629,778 NIB.
Of these, 1,318,312 NIBs were issued for individual businesses, and 248,466 for business entities. Meanwhile, based on business scale, 1,513,038 micro businesses, 83,632 small businesses, 19,348 large businesses, and 13,760 medium businesses.