New Uniform For The Ministry Of ATR BPN: It's Useless If The Command Sticks And Berets Are Not Able To Beat The Land Mafia

JAKARTA - The employees of the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency or Ministry of ATR BPN have looked different. Like the military, on their uniforms appear the addition of the epaulet attribute which is worn in full when wearing daily service clothes.

Other attributes, also added the baton and beret. The goal, said Minister of ATR BPN Hadi Tjahjanto, is to make the Head of Regional Office (Kakanwil) and Head of Land Office (Kakantah) more confident in carrying out their duties. Moreover, when he was included in the Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda) Plus.

In addition to self-confidence, these attributes also symbolize the authority of the Regional Head of Regional Office and Kakantah must be able to maintain authority when carrying out their duties.

"We create equality with law enforcement officers in the regions. The baton and beret are a form of equality," added Hadi.

Hadi Tjahjanto introduced the new uniform of the Ministry of ATR BPN. (Ministry of ATR BPN)

The new attribute was launched at the National Working Meeting (Rakernas) at The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Mega Kuningan, Jakarta on July 26, 2022.

Hadi did ask the regional head that the Kakanwil and Kakantah be included in the Forkopimda Plus in order to create good performance and coordination. Because, to overcome various problems of agrarian conflicts, especially the overlap between companies and the community, synergy between institutions is needed: local governments, law enforcement officers, judicial bodies, and the Ministry of ATR and BPN.

"These are things we seek to collaborate with between institutions. And most importantly we have to go to the field to hear directly what their complaints are. So if we can listen directly, we can unravel the problems and we can coordinate," said Hadi in written statement on the official website of the Ministry of ATR BPN.

The Urgency of the Commando Stick and Beret

Hadi's move has drawn criticism. Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the DPR-RI, Junimart Girsang, questioned the urgency of wearing army-style uniforms for ATR BPN officials and employees. Besides being strange, it is also difficult to understand from the frame of reference used by Minister Hadi Tjahjanto regarding the selection of new uniforms. Does wearing a new uniform affect the performance of the Ministry of ATR/BPN?

"We'll see after wearing a beret and a commando stick the significance of his work," said Junimart in a statement on July 27, 2022.

According to him, what is needed now is not a beret or a stick, but the thoughts and hearts of ATR BPN officials to be able to work according to their functions and duties in serving the community. Also, not included in the land mafia syndicate.

Soekarno's Branding Strategy

Prior to serving as Minister of ATR BPN, Hadi Tjahjanto was a soldier. He had become the number one person in the TNI. No wonder, if the use of military-style uniforms is a form of worshiping military characteristics, namely characteristics according to military character.

As stated by the Doctor of Political Communication and Director of the Nusakom Pratama Political Studies Institute, Ari Junaedi in his writing entitled 'Military Euphoria Behind the Uniform of the Ministry of Lands' on, Monday (1/8). He said that Hadi imitated the branding strategy used by President Soekarno.

"Bung Karno is so attached to wearing military-style clothing that it is interpreted as a sense of pride for the young people who have been oppressed for a long time towards their president. Bung Karno understood how to "play" on the feelings of his people when he saw his leader appear dapper and authoritative," wrote Ari.

Leaders are symbols of power. Clothing is the right tool to generate trust and dignity for the Indonesian people, who have been colonized for a long time. Military-style clothing is used to build the soul and raise the mental to appear self-confidence.

President Jokowi after inaugurating two new ministers in his cabinet, Zulkifli Hasan (Minister of Trade) and Hadi Tjahjanto (Minister of ATR PBN). (Ministry of ATR BPN)

Bung Karno designed his own presidential uniform, which was a mix and match between military uniforms and civilian fighters. The jacket is displayed with four patch pockets using the presidential sign in the form of a circle with a five-pointed star and a black skullcap that is slightly tilted to the left, as was the style of military beret hats at that time.

Around the 1950s, especially after becoming the supreme commander of the armed forces, Soekarno's uniforms were increasingly inclined to a military style with many embroidered marks of service on the chest.

"Hopefully, the Minister will not concern himself with military uniforms rather than focusing on eradicating the chaos of land issues," Adi reminded.

One of the homework that awaits is the issue of land management at the rural level considering the impact of increasing population and expansion of capital owners is very wasteful with the occupancy of rural land.

Don't let the poor people just be afraid and scared to see the authority of land officials and officials rather than they don't get their rights through land certificates which are managed free of charge and easy to administer. No fuss and no bribes.

The Land Mafia is a major problem in land affairs in Indonesia, and must be able to be resolved by the Ministry of ATR, BPN. (Between)

In accordance with President Jokowi's instructions when he only inaugurated him as a minister on June 15, 2022.

"Affiliations related to land disputes and land disputes must be resolved as much as possible," President Jokowi ordered.

“Secondly, the issue of certificates must be completed as much as possible. I believe Pak Hadi has the ability to do that, including land affairs related to IKN," President Jokowi ordered.