Prosecutor Searches The Office Of The West Aceh Islamic Sharia Service For Corruption Cases

MEULABOH - The Head of the West Aceh District Attorney's Office, Firdaus, led the search at the West Aceh District Office of Islamic Law, located on Jalan Bakti Pemuda, Meulaboh.

"This search is related to a case of alleged corruption, in the work of piling up costs for the MTQ location of West Aceh Regency in Leuhan Village, Johan Pahlawan District," said Kajari Aceh Barat Firdaus as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 3.

He explained that the stockpiling project was carried out at the West Aceh Regency Islamic Shari'a Service, with the source of the budget coming from the Aceh Special Autonomy Fund (DOKA) for Fiscal Year 2020, with a contract value of Rp. 1,909,149,000.

Kajari Firdaus said the search was carried out in order to obtain documents that we could not obtain during the investigation and investigation process.

In addition, the search was also carried out to make it easier for the investigative team to obtain evidence relating to the case being investigated.

"Until now, the investigation process is still ongoing, and for indications of the state financial losses caused, we do not yet have a definite figure that we can convey," said Firdaus.

According to him, based on calculations carried out by the investigative team at the West Aceh District Prosecutor's Office, the losses incurred as a result of this work amounted to approximately Rp. 400 million.

In addition to conducting searches, his party has also previously examined a number of parties related to the project, including the Head of the Islamic Shari'a Service, commitment making officials (PPK), implementing contractors, work supervisors, and a number of other related parties.