Exceed Target Of 207 Percent, Minerba PNBP Reaches IDR 87.72 Trillion

JAKARTA - Director of Mineral and Coal Revenue of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Yose Rizal, reported that Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) from the mineral and coal sector (minerba) reached Rp. 87.72 trillion as of August 1, 2022.

He revealed that this number had exceeded the 2022 target of IDR 42.36 trillion or 207 percent.

"If the total or accumulated with the past could reach more than Rp 300 trillion," he said in the webinar on Digitalization as a Means of Prevention of Corruption, Wednesday, August 3.

Based on data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the realization of mineral and coal PNBP has always exceeded the target since 2018.

It was recorded that the realization in 2018 reached Rp. 49.62 trillion from the target of Rp. 32.1 trillion and in 2019 it reached Rp. 44.92 trillion from the target of Rp. 43.27 trillion.

Then in 2020, the PNBP target is set at IDR 31.41 trillion and reaches IDR 34.6 trillion.

Likewise in 2021 with the realization reaching Rp. 74.9 trillion from the target of Rp. 39.1 trillion.

"We are proud and in the future hopefully mineral and coal can continue to contribute to the country through PNBP," he said.

However, Yose continued, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources also noted that non-tax revenues from the mineral and coal sector were still very high, namely Rp. 5 trillion due to the progressive implementation of PP No 15/2022 on coal royalties.

In order to increase PNBP for the mineral and coal sector, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has established a number of policies, one of which is through strengthening the supervision of state revenues through the utilization of PNBP payment data through the integration of e-PNBP Minerba with the SIMPONI application and the automatic blocking system of e-PNBP applications.

e-PNBP has also been started since August 1, 2018 which is used for provisional and final royalties as well as payment of fixed fees.

As for the realization of PNBP from Natural Resources (SDA) in 2022, it is predicted that the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati will exceed the 2021 realization which amounted to Rp. 149.5 trillion. This is because the realization of SDA PNBP in the first semester of 2022 has reached Rp. 114.6 trillion, which is almost close to realization throughout 2021.

The realization of SDA PNBP consists of oil and gas SDA PNBP of IDR 74.6 trillion or growing 86.8 percent (yoy) from IDR 39.3 trillion in the first semester of 2021.

Then non-oil and gas PNBP SDA which grew 101.8 percent (yoy) from Rp. 19.8 trillion to Rp. 40 trillion, which is 45.8 percent of the APBN target.