Dozens Of Motorcyclists On Jalan M Kahfi Fall Due To Solar Spills From South Jakarta SDA Cars

JAKARTA - As many as 25 motorcyclists slipped on Jalan M Kahfi, near the Jagakarsa Hospital, South Jakarta. The accident occurred due to a diesel fuel spill from the South Jakarta Water Resources Service (SDA) car.

The fire platoon commander for the Jagakarsa sector, Cecep, said the incident occurred on Wednesday, August 3, at 10.30 WIB.

"Earlier, according to the residents, there were approximately 25 motorbikes. They all slipped," Cecep said when confirmed, Wednesday, August 3.

Agus explained that the incident began when the South Jakarta SDA car crossed the road. It turned out that when he passed that location, it turned out that the diesel cap was released and spilled onto the road.

"The car passed the diesel tank cap and the diesel fuel fell onto the road," he said.

As a result of the incident there were dozens of residents who slipped. One of them was even suspected of having a broken bone. The victim has now been taken to the hospital for treatment.

"One seriously injured victim is suspected of having a broken bone in the chest. We have immediately directed him to the nearest hospital for an X-ray," he said.

Now the road situation has been able to be passed, after his party carried out road cleaning. This is done to prevent the vehicle from falling.

"For the current situation, we have carried out cleaning. In coordination with PPSU, we clean everything using wipol," he concluded.