The Answer Has Been, Anker Beer Producer Typo Concerning The Increase In Shares Of The DKI Provincial Government

JAKARTA - In the midst of the emergence of the Draft Law (RUU) on Alcoholic Beverages, reports are circulating that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government will increase its share ownership in PT Delta Djakarta Tbk, the producer of Anker beer. However, this has been denied by the DKI Provincial Government and the company.

The Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) Director of Corporate Valuation I Gede Nyoman Yetna spoke about the news about the increase in shares owned by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government in Delta Djakarta. He explained that the share portion of the DKI Pemprov remains the same.

"There is no change in the proportion of ownership of the DKI Regional Government. Based on the Monthly Securities Holder Registration Report as of October 31, 2020 submitted by PT Delta Djakarta Tbk (DLTA), the composition of DLTA shareholders is as follows: San Miguel Malaysia 58.33 percent and DKI Jakarta Government by 26 , 25 percent, "he said, when contacted by VOI, in Jakarta, Friday, November 13.

Nyoman also said that Delta Djakarta had also provided a clarification regarding the additional shares owned by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. He said that information regarding this matter can be checked directly on the website of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI).

After rumors about the addition of shares owned by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, PT Delta Djakarta Tbk raised its voice. Based on the official statement uploaded on the IDX website, Delta Djakarta explained that there had been an error in the preparation of the PT Delta Djakarta Tbk securities holder registration monthly report for the October 2020 period.

Director of Finance and Corporate Secretary of PT Delta Djakarta Tbk, Alan Fernandez explained, Delta Djakarta's monthly report uploaded on November 9, 2020 on the IDX was prepared by the PT Raya Saham Registra Securities Administration Bureau, in this report there should be no additional shares on behalf of Government shareholders. DKI Jakarta and San Miguel Malaysia areas.

"The total shares of the DKI Jakarta Regional Government are fixed at 210,200,700 shares or equivalent to 26.25 percent and the total shares of San Miguel Malaysia (L) PTLD remains at 467,061,150 shares, equivalent to 58.33 percent," said Alan.

Alan explained, due to the error in the monthly report of PT Delta Djakarta's registration of securities holders for the period of October 2020, the company had corrected and sent the monthly report on November 13.

Director of PT Raya Saham Registra, Lusiany Lugina, as the Securities Administration Bureau entrusted by Delta Djakarta, apologized for the misplacement of share numbers belonging to the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and San Miguel Malaysia.

"For this mistake we apologize profusely and we are taking preventive steps so that this does not happen again," said Lusiany.