Social Minister Risma's Long Story About The 'Mass Grave' Of Jokowi's Bansos Rice In Depok
JAKARTA - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini said that social assistance (bansos) buried in a field in the Sukmajaya area, Depok City, West Java Province, was not feasible because it was wet during the delivery.
He heard this from the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (PMK) Muhadjir Effendy during a review of the work at the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) prior to his tenure.
"The Coordinating Minister conveyed that at that time the delivery of the rice aid was carried out by Bulog. Then on the way the sender reported that the goods were raining, so it was decided according to the Coordinating Minister to replace the rice," said Social Minister Risma when met by reporters in Jakarta, Tuesday, August 2. .
Social Minister Risma said that in the delivery there was an agreement, if the rice was not suitable for delivery, it would be replaced. The sender replaces the rice that has been rained, although he doesn't know the quality of the rice after that.
"Indeed, I want to convey to my friends, let alone that many in our place where during my time as a minister, one person did not accept it, he complained. Moreover, there were many who would have complained at that time if they did not accept it," said Social Minister Risma.
So that finally it was coordinated that the wet rice due to the rain had to be replaced by the delivery party.
Social Minister Risma said to trace the origins of the buried social assistance, the Ministry of Social Affairs Inspectorate cooperated with Polda Metro Jaya, Criminal Investigation Police, and Depok Social Service, TKSK, social assistants, PKH assistants and so on to check.
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