DIY Disdikpora: SMAN 1 Banguntapan Bantul Denies Forcing Students To Wear Hijabs, Just Shows How To Wear

YOGYAKARTA - Deputy Head of the Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) Education, Youth and Sports Agency (Disdikpora) Suhirman said that SMAN 1 Banguntapan, Bantul Regency, denied the allegation of being forced to wear a headscarf against one of the students.

"Just as an example, teaching how to wear the hijab, so there is no (coercion)," said Suhirman as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 2.

According to Suhirman, the explanation was based on the results of an examination of the school principal, religion teacher, BK teacher, and homeroom teacher of SMAN 1 Banguntapan at the DIY Disdikpora Office on Monday (1/8).

The BK teacher at SMAN 1 Banguntapan, he said, admitted that he only offered to one of the tenth graders about how to wear a headscarf because previously the girl admitted that she was not used to wearing a headscarf.

After the student agreed, continued Suhirman, the BK teacher then taught him how to wear the hijab.

"Even that was not immediately applied. It means that the BK teacher at that time had confirmed to his students to wear the hijab," said Suhirman, explaining the explanation of the BK teacher at SMAN 1 Banguntapan.

However, he emphasized that the DIY Disdikpora has not yet concluded anything related to the case because it will still summon other related parties, including students who are suspected of being forced to wear headscarves and female companions.

"We are studying the results of the examination again this time. Later, if we need to coordinate again, we will call again for the student companion," said Suhirman.

Previously, the DIY-Central Java Representative Ombudsman Team which was monitoring PPDB at SMAN 1 Banguntapan, Bantul Regency, on July 19, 2022 at the same time received information that there were students who cried for an hour in the school's bathroom.

The DIY ORI team then immediately asked the school for an explanation.

"The principal invited his BK teacher and it was confirmed that there was a student who had been crying in the school toilet for an hour, but his condition was already in the process of calming down at the UKS," said the Head of ORI DIY-Central Java, Budhi Masturi.

At that time, the school informed that a student was experiencing family problems.

Next, on Wednesday (20/7) morning, the Yogyakarta Educational Community Alliance (AMPPY) together with the students' parents reported that a grade X student at SMAN 1 Banguntapan, Bantul, DIY was severely depressed because she was forced to wear a headscarf during the introduction to the school environment ( MPLS).

The Muslim student was reported to have locked herself in her living room and was reluctant to talk to her parents.

ORI DIY-Central Java, said Budhi Masturi, scheduled to summon two counseling guidance (BK) teachers, a religion teacher, and the school's homeroom teacher.

Two BK teachers at SMAN 1 Banguntapan will be present on Wednesday (3/8), while the religion teacher and homeroom teacher are scheduled to attend on Thursday (4/8).

"We will ask for an explanation regarding their suspicion of summoning students to the BK room and then wearing the special religious clothes (hijab)," said Budhi.

Budhi said that education units must comply with Permendikbud Number 45 of 2014 concerning School Uniforms for Students at the Elementary and Secondary Education Levels.

The Minister of Education and Culture Regulation on school uniforms does not require certain religious clothing models to be school uniforms.

In addition, schools may not make regulations or appeals for students to use certain religious clothing models as school uniforms.

Schools also may not prohibit participants from wearing school uniforms with specific religious clothing models based on the wishes of the parents, guardians, and students concerned.