Kenyan Government Doesn't Want To Shut Down Facebook For Freedom Of The Press

JAKARTA - The Kenyan government has no intention of shutting down Facebook, a subsidiary of Meta Platform Inc. This was confirmed by the country's Minister of Information, Communications and Technology on Monday, August 1 after the national cohesion watchdog gave the platform seven days to comply with rules on hate speech or face-holding.

The National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) on Friday, July 29 accused Facebook of violating Kenya's constitution and laws by failing to address hate speech and incitement on the platform ahead of the August 9 national elections.

"We have no plans to shut down any of these platforms," Joe Mucheru, Kenya's Minister of Information, Communications and Technology, told Reuters. "Freedom of the press is one that we value, whether it be (traditional) media or social media."

His remarks echoed earlier statements from Kenya's Interior Minister, Fred Matiangi, who accused the NCIC of making reckless decisions over the weekend, and vowed that the platform would not be shut down.

"They (NCIC) should have consulted widely because they don't have the power to shut anyone down. They didn't give anyone permission," Mucheru said.

When issuing its ultimatum, the NCIC said it was consulting with the Communications Authority of Kenya, which regulates the industry, adding that it would recommend suspending Facebook's operations if it did not comply.

Meta has taken "extensive steps" to eliminate hate speech and inflammatory content, and it is intensifying those efforts in the run-up to the election, a company spokesman told Reuters.

Mucheru agreed, adding that the platform had removed 37,000 posts related to hate speech during the election period.

Supporters of prominent presidential candidates, veteran opposition leader Raila Odinga and vice president William Ruto, have used social media platforms to promote their candidates, persuade others to join them, or accuse opponents of various wrongdoings.

Some of Kenya's 45 ethnic groups have attacked each other violently in previous elections, but Mucheru said this election was different and the country enjoyed peace and quiet despite increased political activity.

The issue of closing social media in Kenya is different from Indonesia. If in Kenya there is a threat of not complying with the law on hate speech, while in Indonesia it will be closed if you do not want to register with the government.