Transjakarta Is Not An Opportunity To Revoke Contracts For Bus Operators That Often Accident

JAKARTA - Head of the Transjakarta Corporate Secretary Division, Anang Rizkani Noor, said that his party would comply with the DKI DPRD's insistence when discussing the problem of Transjakarta buses, which often have accidents.

In a working meeting with the DPRD yesterday, the chairman of the DKI DPRD, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, urged Transjakarta to have the courage to revoke the contracts of the bus operator partners who are most often in trouble and involved in accidents.

So far, Transjakarta only has an agreement that if the driver or driver of the bus operator is involved in an accident, Transjakarta can impose a fine with a fairly large amount. However, there is no clear clause regarding the threat of breaking the contract.

"Some time ago, Transjakarta signed contract amendments with all operators that would allow us to take tougher action, including higher fines in the event of an accident. However, the council (DPRD) wants Transjakarta to be more strict. Of course we will formulate it back to in a long-term policy," said Anang when contacted, Tuesday, August 2.

However, Anang said that his party could not make a policy to terminate the contract with the operator just like that. Therefore, the preparation of this agreement must be discussed in depth with the operator.

One of the considerations for whether or not the contract is revoked is the cause of the bus accident. Anang said that not all Transjakarta buses involved in accidents were caused by driver negligence.

"Every contract there must be a termination like that. But how to achieve this, there are various. Of course it must be formulated carefully because it is in the contract. The agreement of both parties must be agreed and there must be in-depth discussions and details," said Anang.

Yesterday, the Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, questioned the ranks of the BUMD PT Transjakarta regarding the number of accidents involving Transjakarta buses that resulted in casualties.

The Coordinator of Commission B of the DKI Jakarta DPRD urged Transjakarta to be firm by revoking the cooperation contract for bus operators who often have accidents.

"I often see the Transjakarta operator as having no responsibility to carry the car (bus). In the future, if you look at it (accidents), strict sanctions, termination of the working relationship between the operator and Transjakarta. We as the government have provided good cooperation. But if he (the operator) is not good, what are we using it for?" said Prasetyo at the DKI Jakarta DPRD building, Monday, August 1.

Based on the explanation from the Director of Operations and Safety of Transjakarta, there are three operators who are most often involved in accidents, namely Steady Safe, Perum PPD, and Mayasari Bakti.

According to Prasetyo, the sanctions given to operators when problems such as accidents occur are not enough to just be given a warning. Because, looking at several previous cases, Transjakarta accidents often cause victims to die.

"If the sanction is only SP 1, SP 2, it's useless. If (the victim) is dead, you have to replace it (the operator) so that it goes to another operator for repairs. The victims who leave are humans, not animals," he said.