Woman Who Was Found Dead In A Sack Turns Out To Be Married To Her Own Uncle, Killed Because She Often Complained About The Necessities Of Life

SERANG - The Banten Police together with the Serang Police arrested the perpetrator of the murder of a woman's corpse in a sack found on Jalan Raya Laban - Cerucuk, Tanara District, Serang Regency on Saturday, July 30, at around 08.00 WIB. The Head of Public Relations of the Banten Police, Kombes Shinto Silitonga, explained that the perpetrator with the initials PW alias Adi (37) was the victim's husband, but besides that the perpetrator was also the victim's biological uncle.

“After the investigation of the perpetrator, it was found that PW alias ADI was also the biological uncle of the victim. So the victim's marriage is illegal and does not get the blessing of the family," said Kombes Shinto in writing, August 2nd.

Shinto Back explained, from the result of the illegal marriage, the victim and the perpetrator had two children.

“Before marrying the perpetrator, the victim previously had a legal husband and had two children. Until finally the victim left her legal husband and chose to live with the suspect until they had two children, the first was 5 years old and the second child was 40 days old," explained Shinto.

After examining the suspect, the chronological facts of the murder have been found.

"On Friday (July 29) at around 01.50, the victim's rented house. The victim's newborn child cried beside the victim, the perpetrator heard the cry and woke the victim to breastfeed the baby to stop crying, but did not get a response so the baby continued to cry and irritated the perpetrator," added Shinto.

The perpetrator, continued Shinto, smothered the victim's head and pressed the victim's body with the mattress so that the victim could not move and was out of breath until the victim died.

"The perpetrator then moved the baby from the victim's side, and the perpetrator took the mattress and immediately smothered the victim's head and put the victim's body on top so that the victim could not move and was out of breath until the victim died," he explained.

After the perpetrator found out the victim died, the victim's body was wrapped in a sack and thrown in a garbage dump the next day.

“In the morning the victim bought two sacks and used the sacks to wrap the victim's body along with some used items in the rented house. The victim's body was dumped on Saturday (30 July) at around 3:00 am to the crime scene using a Honda Supra X-125 motorcycle unit No. Pol: B-6659-GCZ. After disposing of the victim's body, the perpetrator went about his usual activities as if nothing had happened with his children," said Shinto.

It is known that the perpetrator's frustration at that time peaked because he could not stand the curses from the victim because he was considered unable to meet the needs of his household so far.

"The perpetrator felt hurt because he often received curses and curses from the victim," he explained.

For his actions, the perpetrators of PW alias ADI were charged with the suspicion of Article 338 of the Criminal Code concerning murder with a penalty of 15 years in prison.