Bawaslu And The Police Stop The Case For Distributing Food Items Linked To Adama, The Appi-Rahman Team Is Disappointed

MAKASSAR - The legal team for the pair of candidates for mayor-deputy mayor of Makassar, Munafri Arifuddin-Abdul Rahman Bando (Appi-Rahman) will pursue another legal process after the investigation in the case where the alleged distribution of staples is stopped. This case was linked with the candidate pair Danny Pomanto-Fatmawati Rusdi (Adama).

"In the process of investigation by the Makassar Police, it was not able to arrest, or find, these two suspects. This is what we see. This is a very systematic effort, because we suspect that there are people behind these two suspects, so that these two suspects are very difficult to find, "said Secretary of the Appi-Rahman Legal Team, Andi Ifal Anwar. Friday November 13th.

The case of alleged distribution of rice was previously transferred to Gakkumdu for a 14-day investigation process. However, the handling did not continue.

"So, therefore we are from the Appi-Rahman legal team as the reporters in this case, for the time being in a study regarding the legal steps that we will take, in the context of the issuance of a letter of dismissal of investigation in this case SP3," he said.

However, Andi Ifal has not yet decided on the legal steps to be taken by the Appi-Rahman team. Because there are many new cases that must be resolved by the legal team.

"We are presuming, we suspect, we suspect that all the potential in the process of hindering the existing investigation could be. In essence, we will take legal steps that we think we can do because the reporting has been stopped, "he continued.

Previously, the Election Supervisory Agency for Makassar City, South Sulawesi, handled a case of alleged money politics by distributing basic necessities to residents. The alleged violation is related to the pair number 1 M Ramdhan Pomanto-Fatmawati Rusdi.

"Witnesses, in the form of evidence, billboards then rice and packaged instant noodle oil are evidence," said Zufikarnain, the Coordinator of the Supervision, Public Relations and Inter-Agency Relations Division of the Makassar City Bawaslu, VOI, Tuesday, October 13.

The alleged violation was handled directly by the Gakkumdu Center. The reporting file is submitted to the Makassar Police.

Even though the allegations of money politics have met the elements, Bawaslu will still carry out investigations. There are 14 working days for Bawaslu to process this case.

"Investigators have time to complete witnesses and evidence," he said.