Admits Turning Off Benny Mik When Confirming The Law To Create Work, Mrs. Maharani: So That Everyone Gets Time
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, admitted that he turned off the microphone of a member of the DPR RI from the Democratic Party faction Benny K Harman during the plenary session which ratified the Job Creation Law which has now been promulgated as Law Number 11 of 2020. This is done to organize talks so that everyone gets time.
However, he said, it was not him who had the initiative to turn off the mic. Instead, the Deputy Speaker of the DPR RI, Azis Syamsuddin, was sitting at his right and was the chairperson of the session at that time.
"During the excitement, the one who led was actually the one on my right. But when the person concerned wanted to talk, he couldn't because on the floor (another member, red) kept pressing the mic. So there it died so then the head of the court asked me to arrange the proceedings so that He could not speak. Yes, I turned off the mic, "said Puan in Boy William's YouTube show, Friday, November 13.
He emphasized, this is not a form of intent. Moreover, every member of the DPR RI does have the right to speak, which of course has been regulated according to the rules and regulations. However, as chairman of the trial he argued that the mic had to be turned off so that the activity could run smoothly.
"Not on purpose (turn off the mic, red) but to keep the proceedings running so that it can run smoothly and smoothly. Because at that time what the name was, we were given the opportunity to speak but wanted to talk again, wanted to talk again," he said.
"So, because you want to talk continuously, of course, as the chairman of the session, he must arrange the talks so that everyone can have time to talk," added the Chairman of the PDI-P DPP.
Previously, the video footage showed the moment when the Chairperson of the Indonesian Parliament, Puan Maharani, turned off the microphone of the Democratic Party faction, which citizens talked about in October after the Work Creation Law was ruled by the Indonesian Parliament. The reason for this is that they think Puan did not give the opportunity for members of the Democratic Party faction to convey their opinion before the Omnibus Law Cipta Kerja Bill was passed as law.
Responding to the crowd, Secretary General of the Indonesian Parliament Indra Iskandar said what Puan was doing at that time was only aimed at maintaining orderliness of the meeting participants when expressing their opinions. Moreover, at that time all factions had the opportunity to speak at the plenary session.
"If the microphone is turned off, it is only to curb the interrupt traffic, the leadership has the right to organize the meeting," said Indra in a written statement, Tuesday, October 6.
He also said that before the microphone was turned off, the party faction bearing the Mercy star had had the opportunity to speak three times. So, naturally, the leadership of the session then took a firm stance so that the meeting would run in an orderly manner because it was not only the Democratic Party who wanted to express their opinion at that time.
"We must both understand that it is not only the Democrat Party that wants to speak, because other factions also want to express their opinion. I think it is the duty of the chairperson to put the meeting in order so that all factions have the right to convey their aspirations," he said.
"So in this context, the chairman of the meeting did not prevent the Democrats from speaking out, but wanted to give other factions the opportunity to express their opinion," he added.