Jokowi: Indonesia Is Still Strong, But We Need To Remember That Fuel Subsidies Are Too Big

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that all parties should be grateful because until now Indonesia is still strong in providing subsidies to the public so that the price of fuel, especially Pertalite, is still affordable.

"For gasoline in other countries, the price (equivalent to the rupiah exchange rate) is now Rp. 32,000, Rp. 31,000, in Indonesia Pertalite is still Rp. 7,650 (per liter), but we also need to remember that the subsidies to fuel are already too big," he said. President Jokowi in his remarks at the National Remembrance and Prayer for the 77th Year of Indonesia's Independence, Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, August 1.

The president said the subsidies provided by the government through the state budget have increased significantly to Rp502 trillion, from Rp170 trillion previously. together," he said.

In addition to energy subsidies, the President said, the government will also continue to provide food subsidies to curb the increase in domestic food prices due to pressure in global market supply chains.

"In other countries (prices) have gone up 30 percent, 40 percent, 50 percent up. For what reason? Those who eat wheat, whether in Asia, Africa, Europe, are now in a very difficult position, it's expensive, the goods don't exist, " said the President.

The government continues to provide subsidies so that energy and food prices remain affordable in the domestic market, despite the turmoil in the production and distribution of food and energy in the global market due to the war between Russia and Ukraine.

"I was just about to recover (from the COVID-19 pandemic) but something unexpected happened. The pain has not yet healed, there is a war in Ukraine, so everything is becoming increasingly difficult for all countries, almost all countries are in a very difficult position," he explained. Jokowi.