Need To Be Identified Immediately, These Are 6 Signs Of Manipulation In A Relationship

YOGYAKARTA – Manipulation tactics sometimes go unnoticed. Someone you bond with, whether in a committed relationship or a friendship, manipulates you for an advantage. Sometimes even wanting to get a dominant position so that being manipulated can affect mental health.

Actually manipulative actions can be identified. Launching Psych Central, Monday, August 1, here are the recognizable signs.

1. Feeling something is wrong

Instinct is sometimes overlooked, but it's important to identify if you're being manipulated. This first sign, is not so obvious but when your instincts give the alarm 'something's wrong', try not to ignore it. Instinct can't prove someone is a manipulator. But if you are being mistreated, ask yourself again about 'what is going on'.

2. Start doubting yourself

Perhaps you once believed in your ability to handle certain situations, and are now starting to question your abilities. You may even question whether you are the 'problem' in the relationship, which could be a sign that you are in a loop of manipulation. Don't worry, conditions like this can be discussed openly so that you and your partner can evaluate each other.

Illustration of manipulation sign in relationship (iStockphoto)
3. Feeling guilty

A common sign that someone may be manipulating you emotionally, is identified when you start to feel guilty or ashamed for acting a certain way in the relationship. Usually, manipulators express displeasure about something you said or did. For example, say you do two jobs and have almost no time for yourself. Then comes the first holiday in months, and you decide to spend it at home.

When you tell your mother about this, for example, you notice that she looks upset. When you ask what's wrong, he tells you he can't believe you didn't come visit him on a holiday. Suddenly you feel so guilty that you end up spending the day making amends.

4. Don't be yourself

Another sign you're being manipulated is when you start to lose your sense of who you are after following the open demands of others. In some romantic partners, one partner may adopt the other's lifestyle and interests to avoid conflict.

For example, maybe your partner avoids spending time with friends and family or doing things you enjoy. If you want to spend time with your family or hobbies, you feel like you have to do what they want. When you start to lose yourself, try to discuss this with your partner so that you can both be yourself without being burdened by each other.

5. Afraid to say a certain topic to avoid conflict

Maybe you think of fear as an intense emotion or reaction to a threat. But fear can also manifest as hesitancy to act or say certain things to avoid conflict or friction. It is important to know that every relationship is never without conflict or friction. This means that you need to be aware of every choice and don't have to avoid certain topics or actions as long as you are honest with yourself and your partner.

6. Stress and anxiety from avoiding gaslighting

Gaslighting is often the cause of stress and anxiety. Manipulators, too, can leave you confused and insecure for fear of getting gaslightling behavior. This can be identified when you start to question your memory and well-being to the point where you're not sure that's the case.

These are the six signs you are being manipulated. Keep in mind, not everyone who manipulates is actually aware of doing it. They may think that's how relationships work. This can be overcome by setting boundaries, or by discussing openly with your partner and improving yourself together.