Prabowo Shares Experience In Formulating ASABRI Improvement Strategy:

JAKARTA - Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto shared his experience in improving PT ASABRI's good corporate governance.

This was conveyed when he attended the commemoration of the 51st anniversary of PT. ASABRI at the ASABRI building, Cawang, Jakarta, Monday, August 1.

“When I only entered the cabinet for a few days, we had to face how we could save ASABRI which is a sacred institution, this is money from the sweat and blood of the soldiers. And, for that, I worked with Pak Erick Thohir to formulate a strategy and a way out," Prabowo said, quoted from a written statement

“With good teamwork it can produce something effective. For this reason, I must say that the cooperation so far with the Minister of SOEs has been very, very good. This is also the case in the defense industry and has been proven again in ASABRI," he continued.

Prabowo said that this cooperation is starting to show results.

“This is just the road 'to health'. But at least there is a bright spot. Yesterday, we were all concerned. So, again I convey my appreciation and I entrust on behalf of all stakeholders, soldiers, police, ASN to the directors and commissioners to protect this institution and to maintain the spirit and calm of the soldiers," said Prabowo.

“After decades of service, of course they want hope. When they are old, when they are helpless, they still have hope. Congratulations on all the initiatives and breakthroughs, and we are ready to support," Prabowo continued.