Rizieq Shihab And His Supporters Must Be Aware Of The Health Protocol

JAKARTA - After arriving in Indonesia from Saudi Arabia since Tuesday, November 10, the Grand Imam of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Rizieq Shihab has carried out a number of activities, such as receiving guests, lecturing at his residence, and carrying out the activities of the Prophet's birthday.

This activity has received the spotlight, not only because of his statement, but also Rizieq and his supporters who often do not apply health protocols to prevent COVID-19. Even though as a cleric and community leader who has a supporting mass, he is expected to be an example in preventing this virus.

The FPI frontman was recorded on Thursday, November 12 to attend the Prophet's birthday at Al-Haromain Asy-Syarifain Islamic Boarding School, Pondok Rangon, East Jakarta. From the video belonging to era.id, it was seen that Rizieq Shihab, a number of scholars, and the masses who attended did not comply with health protocols when carrying out these activities. Apart from huddling in closed spaces, they did not keep their distance from each other, and did not wear masks.

Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria has reminded that this prevention is carried out if Rizieq wants to hold or attend the Prophet's Birthday event in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. This aims to minimize and prevent transmission of the virus in the community.

"We do not prohibit Rizieq Shihab from attending a number of activities of the Prophet's birthday because now it is indeed Mawlid (month, red)," Riza told reporters at City Hall, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, November 11.

He compared it with similar activities he had attended. Most of the events he attends, says Riza, his committee strictly adheres to health protocols. "I have twice participated in (the event, red) Maulid, the number (of participants, red) is limited," he said.

Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria (Photo: Instagra @bangriza)
Rizieq must remember that the COVID-19 pandemic is not yet under control

Epidemiologist from Australia's Griffith University Dicky Budiman reminded everyone without exception that the control conditions for the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia are not well controlled. This can be seen from the continued rate of active cases, the high mortality rate, and the high positivity rate at 14.1 percent. Thus, health protocols are mandatory for anyone without exception.

"This means that the rate of spread of COVID-19 in Indonesian society is not only in Jakarta and its surroundings but throughout this region is still high and in a serious situation. So that public figures, public officials actually have a moral obligation to set an example, to set an example in this area. implementing health protocols, "said Dicky when contacted by VOI, Friday, November 13.

He alluded to Rizieq's lack of concern in implementing health protocols which appeared when he did not carry out self-quarantine for 14 days after he arrived from Saudi Arabia 3 days ago. In fact, anyone without exception should carry out this process even though they have a certificate that has tested negative for COVID-19.

This self-quarantine, said Dicky, is important in order to maintain the health security of all parties, both families and communities around them from COVID-19. This is because this virus can infect anyone without exception and regardless of class, religion, position, and so on.

"So that if there is neglect, not doing self-quarantine, ignoring this health protocol will result in the potential for transmission," he said.

Moreover, said Dicky, implementing health protocols to prevent COVID-19 such as wearing masks, maintaining distance, and washing hands at all times with soap are easy things to do.

Illustration (Pixabay)

In addition, he also asked everyone, be it public figures, clerics, and others to have moral obligations and provide an example to play a role in dominating the COVID-19 curve, which currently does not seem sloping.

"This can actually be done in a way that is not difficult. For example, getting used to washing hands and implementing every activity must implement health protocols, then limiting mobility or crowds that are not very urgent, doing activities at home and online," he said.

"If this can be done by these figures, they will greatly contribute in taking part in our social responsibility to hit the curve. And if possible they should also appeal to the central government to strengthen the control program in 3T (Testing, Tracing, Treatment). It's better. But at least it starts with himself and his family to set an example in 3M (Wearing Masks, Keeping Distance, Washing Hands), "he said.

Meanwhile, VOI has tried to contact the FPI to clarify whether they have warned the people present and did not follow health protocols to prevent COVID-19. It's just that, until this news was broadcast there was no answer regarding this matter.