Its Population Increases By 190 Percent, Tigers In Nepal Get Out Of Threat Of Extinction

JAKARTA - The number of wild tigers in Nepal has grown rapidly and out of danger, with the current number at three times the 2009 number, according to the local government.

Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba announced a conservation success Friday morning, according to a news release from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). The Nepal 2022 National Tiger and Prey Survey found there are now 355 wild tigers in the country, a 190% increase since 2009.

The comprehensive survey covered 18,928 square kilometers, more than 12 percent of the country and required 16,811 days of field staff time.

Ginette Henley, senior vice president for wildlife conservation at the United States World Wildlife Fund, told CNN the announcement was a big win for conservationists and tigers alike.

"Tigers in Nepal and wherever they live in Asia, about 10 countries, continue to decline for two main reasons," Henley said.

"The most immediate reason is poaching for the illegal animal trade. The second reason is habitat loss," he continued.

"In 2010, it's clear we will lose the tigers unless we make a concerted effort to turn things around." The governments of countries that are home to tigers then set a goal to double the number of wild tigers by 2022 at the St. Petersburg on tiger conservation. Nepal is the first country to release updated tiger counts in 2022," Henley said.

Illustration of a tiger in Nepal. (Wikimedia Commons/Karunakar Rayker)

Henley further said Nepal "really stands out as a leader in conservation, especially for tigers."

“There is support for tiger conservation at the highest levels of government. It has translated into very effective habitat conservation, strengthening tiger protection in national parks, wildlife sanctuaries."

According to Henley, one of Nepal's main conservation strengths is its focus on wildlife corridors, which are forest pathways to help connect fragmented pieces of tiger habitat.

"Nepal has been a pioneer in greening the area to ensure those connections are restored and maintained," he explained. As they mature and move away from their parents, "the tigers need to disperse. Dispersal is only possible if the tigers can move safely."

Another key factor in the rise of the Nepalese tiger is community involvement in conservation projects, Henley said.

"The community is the driving force behind this," he said. "They are hired to do the reforestation, maintain the habit, and are directly involved in conservation."

WWF has been involved in ecotourism projects in Nepal, Henley added. As tiger populations recover, tiger protected national parks have become popular tourist attractions, with revenues from the parks helping to support community needs.

This fosters a sense of community investment in conservation projects, Henley explains. Another key ingredient in restoring tiger populations is finding ways for humans and tigers to coexist safely.

"What is really needed is a holistic approach. Monitoring tigers, knowing where they live, can help people stay safe," he said.

Illustration of a tiger in Nepal. (Wikimedia Commons/AceVisionNepal77)

Nepal has also had success with practical tools, such as anti-predator fences for livestock and lighting village boundaries at night to repel tigers.

In addition, deploying a compensation program for farmers whose livestock were killed by tigers also allows for better human-tiger coexistence, Henley said.

Conservationists refer to a concept known as "social carrying capacity" to describe the capacity of a particular community to tolerate a number of animals such as tigers. "Understanding those social dynamics and carrying capacity is a new area of focus for us," said Henley.

"Unless people living with tigers want them there, we won't have them there," he explained.

Protecting tigers also helps protect other endangered or endangered species. "Effectively, if we want to protect one tiger, we will protect 10,000 acres of forest," said Henley. Tigers also live in "some of the most carbon-rich forests". It will "help us reduce climate change as well if we protect these incredibly rich forests."

To note so far there are about 3,900 tigers in the wild, according to WWF data, causing this species to be considered endangered.