Results From Random Tests Of 32 Schools 8 Positive COVID-19 Students, PTM In Yogyakarta Continues

YOGYAKARTA - The Yogyakarta City Health Office (Dinkes) conducted screening or random tests for COVID-19 to students who had undergone face-to-face learning or PTM for the past week.

The results of a random test in 32 schools with various levels of education, as many as eight students were confirmed to have COVID-19.

Head of the Junior High School Division of the Yogyakarta City Youth and Sports Education Office, Hasyim, ensures that schools will continue to carry out PTM even though COVID-19 cases are found

"There are no schools that have been closed, only classes of students who were found to be positively confirmed are closed. This is in accordance with the provisions," he said, quoted from Antara.

According to him, the closing of the class was done because the positive rate of the screening was less than five percent.

Meanwhile, the policy of closing all schools will be taken if the positive rate of finding positive confirmed cases reaches more than five percent.

Random tests for COVID-19 over the past week were carried out in 16 elementary schools, eight junior high schools and 10 high schools/vocational schools in Yogyakarta with a total target of around 1,570 students.

"Screening will continue to be carried out as one of the anticipations of preventing transmission during face-to-face learning," he added.

In addition to continuing the COVID-19 random test, close contact tracing of students who were confirmed positive was also carried out.

In addition to screening, the Yogyakarta City Youth and Sports Education Office also evaluates and monitors the implementation of health protocols in schools during face-to-face learning.

"We need to ensure that health protocols in schools must still be adhered to," he said, also hoping that parents would ensure the health of students.

If students are in an unhealthy condition and show symptoms of being exposed to COVID-19, they are asked to immediately check their health or do a COVID-19 test.