Don't Squeeze, Here Are 7 Ways To Deal With Hormonal Acne

YOGYAKARTA – Hormonal acne seems inevitable, because women experience hormonal cycles almost every month. If you often experience it, regardless of gender, can be prevented and overcome with simple habits in caring for the body.

Hormonal acne is triggered by significant changes in hormones. In addition to causing changes in sebum production by the sebaceous glands, hormonal acne also changes the body's resistance to bacteria. That is, do simple ways to keep the skin awake and acne is reluctant to appear even though hormones undergo changes such as the following.

1. Avoid over-processed processed foods

The best way to prevent acne is to consume clean food. This means you need to cut down on sugar, white flour, hydrogenated fats, and processed foods that are high in oil. Try to eat whole foods because it is not only beneficial for the skin but also overall health.

2. Use cleansers that contain certain active ingredients

In addition to changing habits for the better, taking care of facial skin of course also needs to be done. Check your calendar for your monthly cycle, or menstrual cycle, and prevent it by using a cleanser containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide cream. You can find these two active ingredients in various acne-fighting products.

Illustration of how to deal with hormonal acne (Pexels/Anna Nekrashevich)

Most importantly, routinely clean your face twice a day, in the morning and closing the day before resting. Plus, wash your face thoroughly after activities that sweat a lot. The goal is to lift dirt, dust, and sweat that sticks as a trigger for acne.

3. Add supplements for skin

There are many supplements that help to get healthy and resilient skin. You can add spirulina, chlorophyll, zinc, and fish oil. These supplements are known to help replenish lipids, control oil, and detoxify the skin.

4. Keep it clean

Launching All Womens Talk, how to maintain cleanliness may be very easy. But it is not directly related to preventing acne. You can imagine, if you don't change towels often, even though towels can absorb dirt or are damp after wiping a wet body. So, it makes sense to change towels at least every two weeks.

While changing bed linen and pillowcases, it also needs to be done regularly. Plus, make it a habit to wash your hands either before or after touching your face.

5. Drink green tea

Green tea has benefits in maintaining healthy skin. Even this drink can improve skin, such as reducing inflammation, maintaining hormonal balance, balancing unstable insulin levels. And all these benefits contribute to preventing acne.

6. Drink probiotic drinks

In some cases, people with frequent acne have low levels of stomach acid. The effect puts you at risk for an imbalance of bacteria in the gut. Therefore, taking probiotics can help regulate bacteria and reduce sebum levels to treat acne.

7. See a dermatologist

If hormonal acne can't be controlled with good habits and simple treatments, it's a good idea to see a dermatologist or dermatologist. Doctors can help by prescribing skin care.