Driver Suspected Of Having A Heart Attack, Fuso Truck Hits A Nasi Goreng Stall In Tangerang Regency

JAKARTA - A fuso truck with police number A 9147 VM driven by a driver with the initials MN (27) and a kernet with the initials AD (31) crashed into a fried rice shop belonging to victim JD (51) on Jalan Raya Sukadiri, to be exact in front of the Sukadiri District Office, Sukamah Village, Sukadiri Village, Tangerang Regency, Friday, July 29, evening.

Head of Tangerang Traffic Police, Kompol Fikry Ardiansyah, explained that the accident resulted in the death of one person. Losses are estimated at Rp 10 million.

The Fuso truck, which was driven by MN and his assistant, previously came from Sukadiri to Pakuhaji. Arriving at the scene, it is suspected that the driver with the initials MN had a heart attack so the car swerved to the left of the road and crashed into a fried rice stall.

As a result of the accident, MN's body was taken to Mitra Husada Hospital. Meanwhile, the police officers who handled the case have processed the crime scene (TKP) for further investigation.

"Officers have processed the crime scene, then secured evidence at the Tangerang Police's Gakkum Then Unit office for the fingerprint investigation process at the Gakkum Unit and then proceeded further," Kompol Fikry told reporters, Saturday, July 30.

Meanwhile, the Tangerang Police Chief, Kombes Raden Romdhon Natakusuma, appealed to the entire community to stay alert and careful when driving a vehicle on the road. Drivers must be in good health so that there are no fatal traffic accidents," he said.