Sri Mulyani Provides Rp.29.23 Trillion For The COVID-19 Vaccine In 2021

JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Finance has poured out funds for the procurement of the COVID-19 vaccine amounting to IDR 34 trillion, which is divided into the procurement of vaccines in 2020 and 2021.

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani said the government has prepared Rp 5 trillion in funds for handling health and vaccines this year. Meanwhile, for 2021, the government has also budgeted IDR 29.23 trillion for vaccination and social protection programs.

"We are making reserves for the procurement of vaccines, for this year and next year. The total is Rp. 5 trillion plus Rp. 29.23 trillion," he said at a working meeting with Commission XI of the House of Representatives, Thursday, November 12.

The state treasurer said the budget for vaccine procurement came from the burden sharing scheme between the government and Bank Indonesia (BI). In this scheme, BI buys debt securities issued by the government at zero percent interest.

"These funds come from the Governor (BI), which is zero percent. That is the entire management of health funds," he said.

The COVID-19 vaccine budget is included in the health cluster in the National Economic Recovery (PEN) program. The government had previously reallocated the PEN budget, so that the health budget increased to Rp. 97.26 trillion from Rp. 87.55 trillion.

Meanwhile, the procurement of vaccines next year will use the Remaining Budget for the Fiscal Year (SILPA) 2020.

"This composition is different from when we first reported to Commission XI before ladies and gentlemen in recess. The budget in the health sector has now reached Rp. 97.26 trillion," he said.

The details, for spending on handling covid-19 amounting to IDR 45.23 trillion, incentives for health workers IDR 6.63 trillion, compensation for death IDR 600 billion, assistance for national health insurance (JKN) contributions IDR 4.11 trillion, and COVID-19 task force IDR 3.5 trillion. .

Then, tax incentives in the health sector of Rp. 3.49 trillion, reserves for health care and vaccines of Rp. 5 trillion, as well as reserves for the vaccination and social protection program in 2021 which have been marked in SILPA 2020 amounting to Rp. 29.23 trillion.