6,390 Families In Gunung Kidul Experience Extreme Poverty, Regency Government Waits For Center For Technical Instructions

DIY - A total of 6,390 families in Gunung Kidul Regency are included in the list of extreme poverty levels because their income is less than IDR 11,941 per day, or IDR 358,233 per person per month.

This figure is based on the latest data released by the National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction (TNP2K) in 2022.

"Gunung Kidul is one of the priorities for alleviating the problem of extreme poverty. Based on data from TNP2K, there are still 6,390 households that fall into this category," said Head of Social and Cultural Administration of the Gunung Kidul Bappeda Ajie Saksono in Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) , Friday 29 July,

According to him, this extreme poverty data collection refers to the Social Welfare Integrated Data (DTKS) belonging to the Ministry of Social Affairs. For determination refers to the income earned by each family.

Families who are said to be extreme poor, he said, with a daily income of less than IDR 11,941 per day or IDR 358,233 per person per month, are categorized as extreme poor.

"In Gunung Kidul there are 6,390 households that fall into this category. Yogyakarta is the only city of Yogyakarta where there are no extreme poor families. Meanwhile, Bantul, Kulon Progo Progo and Sleman are the targets," he said, according to Antara.

The distribution of extreme poverty in Gunung Kidul is evenly distributed in 18 sub-districts / Kapanewon. However, the program targets were focused on Kapanewon Saptosari, Playen, Gedangsari, Nglipar, Ponjong, Tepus and Karangmojo.

Ajie Saksono also said 6,390 households with extreme poverty, most of them have received assistance from the government. For example, there are 5,600 families who receive assistance from the Sembako Program. In addition, there are also those who received the Family Hope Program (PKH) as many as 5,470 families.

"It's not all, that's why we are waiting for instructions from the Central Government to achieve the target of zero extreme poor families in 2024," he said.

Aji admitted that there was no special program for handling extreme poverty. The Gunung Kidul Regency Government is still waiting for implementation instructions and technical instructions from the central government regarding the handling of extreme poverty, so Bappeda plans to prepare data based on data from DTKS.

"Poverty management programs are still related to poverty so far, both in terms of social assistance and empowerment. Our assumptions that fall into the category of extreme poverty will also be misguided," he said.

Meanwhile, Member of Commission D DPRD Gunungkidul Ery Agustin hopes that the district government is serious in poverty alleviation efforts.

In addition, he hopes that the government will pay close attention to data issues so that their validity can be accounted for.

"The goal is that the program can be right on target, so the accuracy of the data must be considered," he said.