The Iranian President Called Trump Crashed In The Hands Of His Own People

JAKARTA - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Donald Trump's administration had been "crushed" by his own people in the 2020 United States Presidential Election (US Presidential Election). Rouhani also offended Trump, who, despite being projected to lose, was reluctant to give up.

"Regimes that dream of the downfall of Iran are themselves destroyed, and today all countries - except a few that have always followed the regime - see a different situation ahead of them," Rouhani said.

Quoting Al Jazeera, Thursday November 12, Iranian officials said US president-elect Joe Biden wanted to return to the historic nuclear deal signed between Iran and world powers in 2015. “It's up to them. If they carry out their responsibilities, they can choose a new path, ”Rouhani said.

"The policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran is very clear, based on peace and stability in the region, respecting the rights of the nation, not violating or interfering in domestic affairs, fighting terrorism, ending unilateralism, and sticking to agreement and be constructive," he explained.

On the occasion, Rouhani also said the end of the Trump administration marked the removal of "disturbing factors" that would allow Iran to focus more on its interests. Trump's defeat is also an opportunity for Iran to have better relations with its neighbors.

The day before the cabinet address, Rouhani addressed a virtual meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization member states and criticized the US. He said the Trump administration's "bullying" approach in recent years posed a serious threat to economic and political multilateralism.

"The US election results show that not only is the world opposed to the wrong policies of the current US administration, but the American people have had enough," Rouhani said. He also emphasized that this shows the foreign policy of a country that always uses threats and sanctions that will definitely lose.

Press Iran

It was previously reported that the US Special Representative for Iran Elliott Abrams was in Israel on Sunday November 8-9 to meet Israeli Prime Minister (PM) Benjamin Netanyahu. The meeting discussed new sanctions and will travel to Riyadh and Abu Dhabi next.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is also expected to travel to the region soon to coordinate Iranian action. The US on November 10 also imposed sanctions on six companies and four people for allegedly proliferating weapons of mass destruction and supplying sensitive items to an Iranian military company.

Trump has also fired US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and is reportedly considering sacking other top defense and intelligence officials. The move sparked concerns over a potential conflict in the Middle East, particularly Iran, in less than two months before Joe Biden was sworn in as US President.