The Latest From The Ciracas Police Assault Case, The Investigation Files For All The Suspects Will Be Completed Immediately

JAKARTA - The investigation files for 67 suspected unscrupulous members of the TNI who attacked the Ciracas Police, East Jakarta are almost over. Of the 67 suspect files, Puspomad has completed 21 files.

The Commander of the Indonesian Army Military Police Center (Puspomad) Lt. Gen. Dodik Widjanarko stated, of the 21 case files, 14 case files had been thrown to Military Oditur II-07 Jakarta. Meanwhile, the remaining seven case files are still being finalized by the TNI Puspomad team.

"It is hoped that on Thursday, November 19, 2020, all case files will be completed and sent to Military Oditur II-07 Jakarta," said Dodik. to reporters reported by Antara, Jakarta, Thursday, November 12.

Some of the case files that have been completed and submitted to the Military Prosecutor include the case files belonging to Prada MI related to fake news. There is also a case file for Prada MF and two Dilmiltama.

Puspomad has also completed the case files belonging to Prada AA and six other perpetrators from the Jaya Military Command.

Even though the files have been completed, Puspomad does not rule out the possibility of a new suspect being involved in the case.

"If in court new facts are found and lead to new suspects, then there will be a further process according to the applicable law," he said.

In investigating this case, he said, there were 111 witnesses being questioned, consisting of 52 people from the Army, 7 people from the Navy, 2 from the Police and 50 people from the community.

Previously, the brutal action was carried out by a group of unknown people. By riding a motorized vehicle, they attacked the Ciracas Sector Police Headquarters, on Jalan Raya Bogor, East Jakarta, Saturday (29/8) in the morning.

Apart from destroying a number of police facilities with hard objects, the crowd was also reported to have set fire to it. Destruction also befell a number of facilities belonging to residents, causing persecution.