The Disclosure Of 19 Kg Of Shabu Hidden In Bengkalis Durian Gardens Appreciated By The Governor Of Riau

RIAU - Riau Governor Syamsuar appreciated the Riau Police Narcotics Directorate for thwarting the circulation of 19 kilograms of methamphetamine in Bengkalis Regency recently.

"He has saved the nation from the dangers of drugs," said Syamsuar in his statement in Pekanbaru, Riau, Friday, July 29.

Previously, the Riau Police Drug Investigation Sub-Directorate I team arrested three men from Bengkalis Regency on Thursday, July 14.

Those arrested were IRW (21), JEP (46) and MUH (20). Two people work as fishermen, while another person is unemployed.

From this arrest, based on the Antara report, the police managed to confiscate evidence of drugs, in the form of methamphetamine weighing 19 kilograms. The drugs were hidden in the durian garden.

The Head of Public Relations of the Riau Police, Kombes Pol Sunarto, said the disclosure started from information obtained by officers from the public regarding the smuggling of large quantities of methamphetamine from Malaysia to the Rupat area, Bengkalis.

"The team then conducted an investigation and monitoring in the field. The team then received information that the perpetrator was already in the Bengkalis area," said Kombes Sunarto.