Viral Indonesian Air Force Members Sing Welcomes Rizieq Shihab Detained By POM

JAKARTA - An Air Force (AU) soldier with the initials Serka BDS was detained by the Indonesian Air Force Military Police (Pomau). This is because singing welcomes Rizieq Shihab's viral arrival on social media.

"Yes, yesterday was detained at POM AU. Now an investigation is being held," said the Head of the Indonesian Air Force Information Service (Kadispenau) First Marshal TNI Fajar Adriyanto when confirmed by reporters, in Jakarta, as reported by Antara, Thursday, November 12.

According to him, the detention of Serka BDS was in accordance with the procedure for members of the TNI who violated it.

"That is the procedure. If a member violates, we will arrest it. Then we ask how big the mistake was. So it is not immediately punished. That is a procedure because TNI has its own procedure if a member violates it," said Fajar.

The TNI AU soldiers allegedly violated the orders of TNI Commander Air Chief Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto and Air Force Chief of Staff (Kasau) Air Marshal Fadjar Prasetyo who ordered soldiers to use social media wisely.

Fajar admitted that the Indonesian Air Force did not prohibit his soldiers from playing any social media. However, he asked them to comply with the rules, because the TNI has its own rules.

"I appeal to the Indonesian Air Force soldiers, please do social media. However, follow the existing rules. Serka BDS uploads on social media which should not be done for a member of the TNI," he explained.

Fajar said that what has been uploaded by Serka BDS clearly violates TNI regulations, where a soldier cannot side with one group and cannot take part in practical politics.

"Now that's the rule. So the indication is not violating social media, no. Violating orders from the commander, leadership. Who is our leader. The TNI commander is the same as Kasau," said Fajar.

Violation of the superior's orders for soldiers, he said, also violated the Sapta Marga and the Soldier's Oath

"Sapta Marga already exists that is ready to carry out duties, carry out orders from the leadership. So there is. We have our own way, the military method, right? So it cannot be linked. If there are people who are just like that. So there is indeed a military. the rules are separate, "said Fajar Adriyanto.

In a video that went viral on social media, the BDS serka wore TNI field service (PDL) clothes, with a blue pet typical of the Indonesian Air Force. While humming, he lowered the mask in half.

In the 24-second video, Serka BDS sings with religious tones. He replaced his words with greetings to Habib Rizieq, the FPI leader who had just arrived from Saudi Arabia to Indonesia.

"Marhaban, the leader of FPI, Allah .. Allah .. Greeted by TNI soldiers, Allah .. Allah .. Marhaban Ahlan Wa Sahlan, Marhaban Habib Rizieq Syihab. Takbir, Allahuakbar!" So the lyrics of the song sung by Serka BDS. At the end of the video, Serka BDS poses in command greetings.