Prosecutors Transfer Doni Salmanan's Case Files To Court

BANDUNG - The Bandung District Attorney's Office (Kejari) has transferred the case file of the suspect in binary options investment fraud Doni Salmanan to the Bale Bandung District Court, Bandung Regency, West Java.
Head of the Bandung District Attorney's Office, Sugeng Sumarno, said that the file was handed over on Thursday, July 28 at noon. Doni's case was tried at the Bale Bandung District Court because the area where the crime was allegedly located was in Bandung Regency
"It's been (delegated), just waiting, what I have clearly signed," said Sugeng in Bandung as reported by ANTARA.
The Doni Salmanan case was transferred from the Criminal Investigation Police investigator to the Bandung District Attorney's Office on Tuesday (5/7). However, the file was transferred to the West Java High Prosecutor's Office.
Initially, it was planned that the case file for Doni Salmanan would be transferred to the court before the 20-day detention period ended after the transfer of the file.
However, Sugeng said the case was not an arbitrary matter. Therefore, according to him, the public prosecutor's team needs to be careful and thorough in preparing the indictment for Doni Salmanan.
"So that everything is good. But there is no problem, what is clear is that we have delegated it," he said.
Doni Salmanan was charged with Article 45a paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 28 Paragraph (1) of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11 of 2008 concerning ITE as amended and Article 3 of UURI Number 8 of 2010 concerning Money Laundering or Article 4 of UURI Number 8 of 2010 concerning Prevention and Eradication of the Crime of Money Laundering with the threat of imprisonment for 20 years.