#YouTubeDown Hashtag Echoes Adorn Twitter This Morning

JAKARTA - The YouTube video streaming service is reportedly experiencing problems. It looks like this has an impact on users all over the world including Indonesia.

From the monitoring of the Downdetector website, the disturbance peaked at 07.00 WIB and as many as 256,094 reports were monitored at 07.24 WIB.

Although the exact cause is not known, when the VOI team accessed the streaming platform and tried to play one of the videos on the YouTube channel @voidotid, it showed that the loading time was quite long, even it couldn't be played. It seems that this disruption also affects other YouTube services, namely YouTube TV.

But YouTube has confirmed via the official Twitter account @TeamYouTube will immediately fix the problem.

"If you're currently having trouble watching a video on YouTube, you're not alone - our team is aware of the issue and is working to fix it. We'll follow up here with any updates," tweeted @TeamYoutube.

Likewise, when looking at Twitter, not a few netizens from all over the world also submitted similar complaints that it became the number one trending topic with the hashtag #YouTubeDOWN. They couldn't access YouTube this morning.

"Everyone rushed to twitter after seeing YouTube quit #YouTubeDOWN #youtube," said @ xlovekills23x.

"To all those who thought that their wifi or cellular data problem was causing their YouTube videos to not load. But I also experienced it #YouTubeDOWN," tweeted @ayexyong.

There is also a Twitter account @ JDSantos809 which shows like he lost something when YouTube experienced a disruption, he felt that his life was destroyed. Because, there is no doubt that the YouTube platform is very popular with people around the world, because they can easily find content they like from various categories.

"What did we do before YouTube? Anyone? I feel like my life is ruined with nothing to do. #YouTubeDOWN," @ JDSantos809.