KSAD General Dudung Ensures TNI AD Is Involved In Autopsy On Corpda Muslim's Body

JAKARTA - The body of Kopda Muslimin, the mastermind of his wife's assassination plan, will undergo an autopsy to determine the cause of death. The TNI AD will also be involved in all these processes.

Kopda Muslimin (M), had previously been declared a fugitive after the police confirmed that he was the mastermind behind the shooting of his wife, Rina Wulandari. But suddenly Kopda Muslimin was found dead at his parents' house in Trompo Village, Kendal Regency, Central Java, Thursday. "An autopsy and visum et repertum will be carried out to determine the cause of death," said Army Chief of Staff General Dudung Abdurachman when confirmed by reporters in Jakarta. , Thursday, July 28. According to him, the TNI AD will deploy personnel to carry out an autopsy and post-mortem on the body of Kopda Muslimin. "It is certain that TNI AD personnel are involved," he said. the incident confirmed the death of the Muslim Kopda. "This morning he returned to his parents' house," he said. According to him, the Muslim Kopda had apologized to his parents for having done something wrong. A moment later, he said, the Kopda Muslimin entered the room and vomited. According to him, the father of the Kopda Muslimin named Mustaqim was the first to know that his son was dead.

Kopda Muslimin reportedly died around 07.00 WIB. Meanwhile, TNI and Polri officers guarded the parents' house of Kopda Muslimin. Kendal Police Inafis officers were still at the location to carry out the crime scene investigation (TKP). Meanwhile, Kopda Muslimin's body was taken to Bhayangkara Hospital, Semarang.