Work From Home Sitcoms Aired On GoPlay

JAKARTA - Accompanying the public during the COVID-19 pandemic, GoPlay streaming service presents a comedy series entitled Work From Home. This comedy series tells the story of the twists and turns of working from home during a pandemic.

Starring Rachel Amanda, Andri Mashadi, Mike Lucock, Shareefa Daanish, and Jerome Kurnia, who portray unique and interesting characters with diverse backgrounds.

Work From Home is directed by Reka Wijaya, who is famous for the comedy comedy Bajaj Bajuri, Salon Oneng, and Tetangga Masa Gitu. The story itself was written by the GoPlay creative team together with Ally Alexandra and Daniel Tito.

"GoPlay sees that the conditions during the pandemic should not hinder creativity. For this reason, we collaborate with talented Indonesian talents to present a Work From Home sitcom that raises daily problems in online work situations," said GoPlay VP Marketing Sasha Sunu in a virtual press conference, Wednesday November 11th.

The pre-production work of Work From Home is done entirely online. For those of you who want to watch GoPlay Original Work From Home, this series has premiered on November 2, 2020 by presenting as many as 10 episodes on the GoPlay application.