Wamendagri Appreciates Association Of Mountain Regents Supports New Autonomous Region Of Papua

JAYAPURA - Deputy Minister of Home Affairs (Wamendagri) John Wempi Wetipo appreciated the Mountain Regents Association for the commitment of the regents to continue to support the establishment of the New Autonomous Region (DOB) for the Papua Mountains Province.

"Once again, on behalf of the government, Mr. President, and Mr. Minister of Home Affairs, I thank you for the attention, concern, cooperation, and commitment of the regents for how in the future we will build this for the better," said John Wempi Wetipo in a written statement. BETWEEN, Wednesday, July 27.

He said that the regents' commitment was evident from the success of consolidation in the local community.

Then, he said, the presence of leaders and the community in the socialization of the formation of the Papua Mountains Province is believed to show the community's strong desire to be more prosperous with the formation of new autonomous regions.

"With the presence of the mountainous community, it means that the community wants prosperity and development in the mountainous Papua region. Come on, I invite all to take good care of this house," Wempi said at the event "Socialization on Preparation for the Establishment of the Papua Mountains Province and Government Regulations Derived from Law (UU) Papua Special Autonomy".

The Vice Minister of Home Affairs invites the community to succeed in the formation of new autonomous regions. According to him, the cooperation and unity of the community will result in better development.

Wempi motivates generations in Papua Mountains to keep learning and working hard. With this provision, the opportunity to become a leader in the future can be obtained.

The Vice Minister of Home Affairs hopes that people in the mountainous Papua region are more ready to support the new autonomous regions. Wempi asked that later there would be no violence and there should be no bloodshed in the land of Papua Mountains.