2 Tax Evaders In East Java That Made The Country Lose Hundreds Of Millions Were Handed Over To The Attorney General's Office

SURABAYA - Regional Office of the Directorate General of Taxes (Kanwil DGT) East Java II handed over two suspects of tax crimes along with evidence to the Jombang District Attorney (Kejari).
Head of the East Java II DJP Regional Office Agustin Vita Avantin said the two suspects were the directors of CV SLJ who carried out business activities of handing over or procuring husks.
"Suspect S has been the Director of CV SLJ since its establishment in 2013 until October 2016 and suspect MI has been the Director of CV SLJ since November 1, 2016," he said as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, July 27.
Agustin said both of them were suspected of committing a crime in the taxation sector, namely intentionally not submitting a notification letter (SPT) and intentionally not depositing taxes that had been withheld or collected which could cause losses to state revenues.
The crime occurred in Mojoagung, Jombang Regency, East Java, which is the location of the CV SLJ Office and was carried out during the 2016 fiscal year for income tax (PPh) and the May to December 2016 tax period for value added tax (VAT).
"CV SLJ is registered as a taxpayer and submits his SPT at the Jombang Pratama Tax Service Office," he said.
As a result of the actions of the suspects S and MI (separate case files) it caused a loss of state income of at least Rp.470.606.376 for VAT and Rp.49.361.003. for PPh.
"The modus operandi is that CV SLJ conducts sales transactions or the delivery of husks, which is the delivery of VAT payable to PG Djombang Baru," he said.
For the submission, he continued, CV SLJ has issued a tax invoice and collected VAT, but CV SLJ did not deposit the collected VAT and did not submit the Periodic VAT SPT and Annual PPh SPT.
"The two suspects are threatened with imprisonment for a minimum of 6 (six) months and a maximum of 6 years and a fine of at least 2 times the amount of unpaid or underpaid taxes and a maximum of 4 times the amount of unpaid or underpaid taxes," he said. .
The criminal threat as referred to in Article 39 Paragraph (1) letter c and Article 39 paragraph (1) letter i of Law Number 6 of 1983 concerning General Provisions and Tax Procedures as last amended by Law Number 7 of 2021 concerning Harmonization of Tax Regulations in conjunction with Article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.
"We appreciate the performance of the investigators who have processed this case. The East Java II Regional Tax Office will continue to synergize with law enforcement officials (APH) in eradicating cases of tax evasion," he said.